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15 Chilling Baby Monitor Images That Will Give People Nightmares

15 Chilling Baby Monitor Images That Will Give People Nightmares

A baby monitor is such a great thing to make parents’ lives easier, aren’t they? It will help you keep an eye on your kid while you’re doing some house chores or resting in your room. You will get notifications if something unusual happens, and you will be able to check on your nanny or your child when they’re alone. It is just a perfect parents’ helper. Well, at least until it isn’t.

The thing with any kind of security camera is that you never really know what it’ll end up capturing. While most of the time that footage is just plain boring, there have been cases of some really freaky and unexpected stuff appearing on camera, and the owners have found themselves completely creeped out by the things apparently going on in their home. Some of them have been simple pranks, some have just been misunderstandings, but there have been a few really weird and unexplainable stuff recorded on baby monitors as well. Some people have installed their baby monitors to help them sleep calmly through the night knowing their child is safe, but the footage recorded by those cams have given them pretty horrible nightmares instead. Let’s take a look at some of them.

15. A Burglar Admiring The Baby

Here we have a case of a very unusual burglar. For starters, when somebody breaks into your home in the middle of the night, you can expect at least some of your valuables to go missing, but that wasn’t the case here. There was no sign of forced entry and absolutely nothing went missing from the house. In fact, if it weren’t for the baby monitor, the homeowners would probably never know there was a stranger in their home. All the strange man did was enter the house and go into the nursery where he stopped for a while and admired the baby. Imagine someone just staring at your child in the dark in the middle of the night. That is really as creepy as creepy goes and to make things even worse, the intruder still hasn’t been identified.

14. Grandmother’s Ghost?

Having strangers around your baby while you’re not there is unsettling enough, but knowing that someone had snuck into your house in the middle of the night and went straight to your baby’s crib is a whole lot of creepy. As if that wasn’t enough, in this particular case, the stranger in question might not have been human (or that is what the baby’s parents suspected). When you look at this picture, it appears as if a ghost of a woman was about to reach down for the baby in the crib. When the parents went public with this image, they stated that the child’s grandmother had passed away not so long ago and that it was probably her ghost visiting her grandchild. However, most of the people believe the whole thing was faked, but nobody knows for sure what exactly happened there.

13. Stranger In The Room

While some people claim to have seen the ghosts on their baby monitors, a pretty scary number of people have noticed strangers in their kids’ room while they were sleeping. It is hard to tell which option is scarier, but those strangers, burglars, and creeps seem like a much more real and terrifying threat to the child than shady figures. This family was absolutely terrified when they saw a strange man standing next to their child’s bed in the middle of the night, captured by their baby monitor. They never found out who the man was or how he got into their house, but they believe it wasn’t just a burglar because nothing from their home went missing. Luckily, the child wasn’t harmed in any way by him. So what was he doing in that room?

12. Possessed Mother

If this whole thing wasn’t staged then it could make for one of the creepiest things ever captured by a nanny cam. A man noticed his wife was often missing from their bed so he decided to set up some nanny cams in their home. This image is a part of a footage that was uploaded to Youtube and went viral almost instantly. Apparently, the mother got out of the bed and she was standing by the door in the same position between 11 PM and 6 AM. At 6 AM, she started snarling and crawling towards the camera while her baby was calling out for her in the background. There are 3 possible explanations for the whole thing; most people believe it was all staged to get as many views as possible, some people believe she is mentally ill and her weird behavior that night was a result of that, while the third group of people believes she was/is possessed.

11. Monster Mother

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This is one of the most horrible things that have ever been captured by a baby monitor and it was discovered by pure accident. A man installed a baby monitor in his newborn’s room, but the frequencies got mixed up with those of a neighbors’ nanny cam. So when he turned on the screen, a feed from their cam appeared instead. What he saw was beyond shocking. It was a room that looked a lot like a dungeon with two boys chained up there. The man notified the police immediately and the boys were rescued from their abusive mother who was getting instructions on how to torture them from somebody called “The Doctor.” It was later discovered that she was a member of a cannibal cult and she is currently serving time in prison.

10. Count Your Kids

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At first, when you look at this picture, all you can see are two brothers playing in their room – one of them on the bed and the other on the other side of the room. But there is a catch! There was only one boy in the room at the time: the boy on the bed. In fact, this family has only one child and there was no logical explanation of another boy being captured by the baby monitor. When the parents noticed the other kid in the room, they went to check on things immediately, but there was no one there besides their son calmly playing with his toys. The boy claimed there wasn’t another child there at any point during the day. So who was the mysterious little guy?

9. Ghost In The Crib

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When two young parents were reviewing their baby monitor footage, they noticed something really disturbing that had appeared in the crib next to their sleeping toddler. There was a ghost-like figure there and they noticed it appearing in multiple shots which really freaked them out. The truth is the figure is pretty blurry so we can’t tell for sure what it was, but it looked a lot like a small, transparent child sitting in the crib. No wonder the parents were scared out of their mind. Of course, it is possible that the suspicious shape appearing in the footage is just a distorted image of something else in the room, but still… Something like this would probably freak out every parent out there, especially since there is no clear, rational explanation of what the creepy figure was.

8. A Guardian Angel?

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When it comes to paranormal things captured on cameras, people have formed different theories about some of them. For example, many people believe ghosts exist among us but sometimes it is difficult for them to keep a clear, physical form so they manifest themselves as orbs. If you haven’t heard of orbs before, they are basically just balls of light moving through space, and numerous people have claimed they saw them at some point. The people whose baby monitor captured this image have noticed them on their footages very often. At first, they were afraid, but since the orbs were always somewhere around their child and the child was never scared of them, nor harmed in any way, the parents chose to believe it was someone watching over the baby, possibly a guardian angel.

7. Strange Voice Coming From The Monitor

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A little boy told his parents he was afraid of his baby monitor and they had absolutely no idea why so they decided to pay a closer attention to what was going on in their toddler’s room while he was alone. However, part of them believed it was all just their son’s imagination because there was nothing strange happening there as far as they knew. One night, the boy cried out for his parents so his mom ran to check on him and she heard a strange male voice coming from the baby monitor. He was talking to the boy and he even made a comment about his mother entering the room. The mother realized that somebody had hacked into their monitor and has been talking to the boy on a regular basis.

6. Hello Kitty


On first glance, this looks just like another regular photo of a boy cuddling with their family cat – except the family doesn’t own a cat. So the next logical explanation could be that a stray cat got into the house and curled up next to the boy – except the boy had no idea that cat was even there. Was it because he was asleep so he didn’t notice the animal sleeping next to him, or was is because it wasn’t an actual live cat, but a ghost of a cat instead? The family isn’t sure but some people believe their house must be close to the pet cemetery. If that is the case, maybe there will be more of those ghost animals visiting the little boy in the future.

5.  Weird Melodies


A while back, there was a hacker in Amsterdam who used to hack into people’s baby monitors and he freaked out a lot of parents all around the world. A young mother fell asleep with her baby monitor turned on and some strange noises awoke her. What she heard were some weird melodies coming from the baby monitor which she knew for sure she didn’t play to her child. She quickly got up and rushed to the nursery but once she got there, the music wasn’t playing anymore. She figured out that her monitor had been hacked and the IP address was traced back to a site and discovered someone hacking their baby monitors of many different families. Who knows? Maybe they meant well…

4. What Happened To The Doors?


A couple put their child to sleep and they went on with their night, occasionally checking the baby monitor to make sure everything is fine with their child. The child was sleeping calmly and there wasn’t a peep coming out of his room. Everything seemed to be perfectly normal that night. However, when the parents decided to head to bed, they went to check on their boy once again and they noticed something beyond strange. All of their doors and windows upstairs have been opened. There was no sign of forced entry or breaking in, but what was even stranger was the fact that they didn’t hear anything. Besides, who and what would try to enter somebody’s home just to open all doors and windows? If that was just some kind of a prank, it was a really creepy one.

3. Scary Male Voice


A Huston couple hired a nanny to help them take care of their child and they installed the baby monitor in their child’s room to check on the kid from time to time and to make sure the nanny was doing her job. One day, while the parents were away and the nanny was alone with the baby, she just came into the nursery to change the child’s diaper when she heard a scary male voice coming from the camera. At first, she thought the parents were playing a practical joke on her, but soon she realized the parents had nothing to do with it. It was someone who hacked into the baby monitor and spied on the baby and the nanny. He even made some really creepy jokes about the camera’s poor security.

2. “Wake Up, Baby”


One April night, parents put their 10-month-old daughter to sleep, checked on her once more before they went to bed, and everything seemed fine just like any other night. However, a strange sound coming from the monitor awoke the mother in the middle of the night. She checked the monitor and she noticed that the camera was moving – but she wasn’t the one moving it. Then she heard a creepy male voice screaming and trying to wake up the baby. She quickly woke up her husband and he rushed into the baby’s room. When the person who hacked the monitor realized the father was in the room, he turned the camera towards him and started insulting him and screaming some obscenities. The father turned the camera off as soon as he could but both parents were seriously freaked out by this incident.

1. Creepy Stalker

A young Kansas mother was just putting her baby son to sleep and she casually glanced at her baby monitor while she was putting the child in the crib. However, something caught her eye at that moment. It appeared that the monitor was following her every single movement. She soon realized that someone had hacked into her monitor and was quietly spying on her from the other side. She even yelled at the monitor and tried to make the stalker stop, but they didn’t react to that in any way. According to her, she was completely freaked out and she couldn’t believe something like that could actually happen to someone. This is yet more proof of how important it is to secure your baby monitors and hidden cameras in every way possible.

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