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15 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Thinking About Cheating

15 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Thinking About Cheating

A breakup can be a staggering blow. We often do not understand, would like to change something, rebuild something stable, start it all over again… But it’s too late. The clock struck midnight and you are no longer her Prince Charming. To avoid this intergalactic shock, you must know how to recognize that your girlfriend is no longer crazy about you.

Unfortunately, this is a situation that has happened to many of us. You are in a relationship with a girl, convinced that everything is going well, and suddenly, out of the blue, she leaves you without you having seen anything coming.

The next question then arises: “Could I have known/felt/prevented it?”

A woman never leaves her boyfriend without having given him some “warnings” beforehand. Most of the time, we are not able to spot them or we choose not to pay attention to them. Yet, knowing how to notice these signs as soon as they appear allows you to fix things in time, or to break up before she does.

15. Her mobile phone is out of your reach


Before, especially at the beginning of your relationship, her mobile phone was left lying around everywhere: on the sofa, on the bed, on the floor or on the dining room table. She was not really paying attention to it.

But lately, she has been spending a lot of time searching for it. Her mobile phone seems to have been stuck at the bottom of her bag or taken hostage in the pocket of her jeans. She turns it off whenever you approach her and takes care to hide it under a towel when she takes a shower. The alarm is triggered, it beeps in your head. Warning, warning…

14. You no longer know her passwords


There was a time when you had access to both her Facebook and to her message inbox. But that was a long time ago. Or maybe not that long! She simply trusted you and you thought it was absolutely normal to be like this.

And then one day, suddenly, for no reason, she began to change all her passwords. Since then, you no longer have access to her data. It is not that alone which annoys you the most, but rather the lack of confidence behind it. She no longer trusts you! You are aware that a girl who has confidence in her relationship is transparent…

It does not necessarily mean that she is cheating on you, but be careful, otherwise you’ll end up being disappointed.

13. You are arguing at the drop of a hat


You put too much vinaigrette in the salad or simply broke a plate and you have the feeling of having killed her mother, of being a criminal on the run, the ogre who makes the princess unhappy. She gets angry about nothing, everything you do exasperates her. She puts the blame on you for everything that goes bad in her own life.

Everything you do is “shit” because you “are useless”. She cannot stand you anymore. As soon as you say a word or would like to suggest an idea, she shows you exactly who you are, “an idiot who doesn’t understand anything”.

When disputes become disproportionate and above all unjustified, there are questions to be asked. It’s not unusual for a couple to argue. When you live with someone, there are moments when it breaks out. But arguing every single day, every single hour, for nothing, nothing at all… I can smell trouble around…

12. Girls night out


This “girls night out” stuff is a lie. I have never been to a party where a group of girls stay exclusively with each other. A girl who has found happiness within the couple has a natural tendency to avoid these kinds of parties or to shorten them to the maximum. For example, instead of going back home at daybreak, just like all her friends, she will disappear around one o’clock, when negotiating the taxi between the bar and the club.

But, if instead of lamenting your absence and trying to make you come, she says “but no, I assure you, it’s not worth coming, you’ll get bored,” beware! I’m not saying that a girl who’s got a boyfriend shouldn’t go out without him from time to time, but the fact that her schedule starts to look like the one of a single girl should raise your suspicions!

11. She suddenly feels the need for more privacy


You’d think that it’s not a big deal as every human being sometimes feels the need for privacy and this is perfectly normal: each of us needs a little time for ourselves now and then.

However, you have to be careful about your couple habits and pay attention to your girlfriend’s tendencies. If you have been used to spending a lot of time together, sharing many activities or simply going out together, and now, suddenly, she feels the need to have more time “just for herself” or “space to breathe”, then you must be warned that it is one of the first signs of her infidelity.

10. Lack of communication


If you have noticed that you have not talked to each other lately, that you are arguing whenever you try to have a banal conversation, then you have to know that there are some changes in your life you aren’t aware of, at least not yet.

If your female life partner has started to ignore you or if routine has infiltrated unnoticed in your relationship, you should ask yourself whether you are simply creating a gap between each other or if there is someone else in her life.

The golden rule of a happy relationship says that whenever a sudden change occurs in a relationship, it must be noticed and discussed immediately. Otherwise, you start imagining different things that might not be true, and you need to be reminded of Henry Winkler’s quote: “Assumptions are the termites of relationships”.

9. She pays more attention to her looks


I am sure that if you have been in a stable relationship, you’ve reached a point where you don’t really care that much about your look, clothes or hairstyle. It’s neither new nor unusual. This is an absolutely normal thing that occurs when we feel confident both about ourselves and our relationship.

Pay attention, though: you don’t have to be suspicious whenever she comes home a little bit changed. But when your girlfriend suddenly goes from this stage to another one where she is more than careful about the way she looks, if she started buying a new wardrobe or has simply changed her haircut and perfume, it can mean only two things: she is either trying to seduce you again and bring something new to your relationship – you’d like it, admit it, please – or there is somebody else in her life who she’s trying to impress.

8. Unjustified expenses


Let’s be serious! It’s not unusual for women to spend a lot of money on things that men consider absolutely garbage, such as a lot of make-up and perfume. Don’t forget that most of women do all this to make you happy, guys!

Pay attention tough, if you notice some strange changes in your girlfriend’s financial situation, such as costs that she cannot justify, delays in paying bills or even changes in habits related to cards or bank accounts.

Also, if she seems to spend more money on fuel or on other means of travel, I think it’s time you had a serious discussion.

7. Mood swings


I’m sure everybody’s used to women’s mood changes both at work and at home. Most of them have got hormonal causes that are difficult to explain and even more difficult and annoying to experience and live with. Therefore, don’t panic at the first moment she’s in a bad mood!

Tough, there are some signs you shouldn’t ignore – particularly if she changes her mood minute to minute and doesn’t allow you to utter any word. She has always been unpredictable, but not to that point. She’s cheerful before going to work and comes back huffing and puffing, telling you she had a bad day at work. You can understand it once, twice, but how often can it happen?

6. She spends a lot of time online


You would be amazed to find out how many affairs have started online, on social media platforms or even on messenger/chat services, especially in recent years when more and more people have access to the internet both at home or at the office, especially on their mobile phone.

If you notice that your female life partner spends more and more time surfing the internet, especially at night, or whenever you are not around, or if you notice she changes pages or closes certain pages as soon as you get closer to her, you must be warned that she is just beginning or is already having a relationship which could be more than virtual.

Social platforms have already destroyed thousands of relationships, so you should start a discussion about this topic. And don’t accept her saying she’s been talking to her friend from far away she hasn’t seen for ages. Why haven’t you heard about “that friend” before?

5. New friends she hasn’t mentioned/introduced yet


Let’s not be paranoid every time she meets other people, especially people she has to work with. We all meet people we like and enjoy spending time with, right?

Has she been talking about her friends lately? About people you haven’t met yet and you won’t even have the chance to meet, as she avoids this moment and isn’t happy when you mention going out with her and meeting them, too? It’s a sign that one of them might be more than a coworker or a former high school classmate.

Sometimes, when women try to justify the way they have spent their free time, they fancy imaginary or real friends you cannot check as you haven’t got any data about them, although you’re looking forward to finding out everything.

4. She changes her tastes overnight


The tastes of each of us can be influenced by the ones we love, whether we talk about fashion, music or food. Most often we change our tastes when we fall in love: from the desire to find common points with the beloved person, we can sometimes change radically.

If you notice that your girlfriend suddenly listens to a genre of music she used to hate before, enjoys SF films though she was a fan of (romantic) comedies or she doesn’t eat sweets not to get fat – although she’s neither fat nor do you mind it – you should know that she might have a crush on someone else whose tastes she has adopted unconsciously.

Talk to her and don’t fall in her trap as she tells you that it’s normal to change tastes in life – sometimes not to get bored. Yes, it is absolutely normal and natural, but all these things take place gradually.

3. She overwhelms you with all kinds of gifts and sweet words


Lately, she has been investing herself in pleasing you. She started complimenting you for all kinds of details, offered to take you out for dinner, sent you love messages, or called you very often just to ask if you were fine. She can go even further, taking your car to the car wash or buying two tickets for the match you’ve been waiting for so long! It’s not bad, is it? On the contrary, you feel spoiled and lucky to have such a girlfriend.

Although these gestures are more than effective, if they seem to compensate for another radical change in her daily behavior or routine, you could pull the alarm signal and ask yourself what is actually going on!

2. She’s much more mysterious


No doubt mystery is a good thing – it sparks your relationship and brings something new to it. But only in small doses.

When she does not share anything with you at the end of the day, or gives you one-word answers whenever you ask her how her day was, you might be tempted to check her schedule or her purse, or to sneak into her mobile phone’s calls log to find out something you could base and start your conversation on.

As soon as you open your mouth, she throws something like “I’m very tired, I had an awful day” or “I don’t feel like talking about this right now.” Bad days simply happen. Respect her decision and her choice but don’t give up. It’s not normal for her to have bad moments and not to share them with you, the person by her side. If not you, who does she share them with?

1. She is less affectionate


For a woman, not having sex for a short period of time is not a problem, and it can be caused by many things that are completely innocent. Her libido might simply be decreased if she refuses to have sex for some days or even weeks.

But it can also be a trap. It might indicate that she’s thinking of someone else, she’s daydreaming or having fantasies with that person.

If it happens quite often, you should start asking some questions… Even if you won’t like the answers, it’s better to find out sooner than later. In this way you know exactly what to do with your life. It’s not all about her.


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