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‹ 14 Movies Where The Love Scenes Were Real

12. Shortbus


This 2006 dramedy (that’s a drama-comedy, for the record) is unique in that it both features real adult scenes and was generally well received by critics. The central plot of the movie revolves around a woman’s lifelong failure to achieve orgasm, so it’s also quite natural that the film features a fair amount of sexual activity. In this case, it involves a fair amount of people involved in said activity, too. And lots of love triangles.

11. Intimacy


In the 2001 feature film Intimacy, the art of lovemaking is at the center of the film. It is about a man and woman having an anonymous affair during the course of which the man falls in love with the woman only to find out that she has a husband and son whom she will not leave. This brings the affair to an end, the lack of intimacy between the pair now no longer possible based on his emotions and her revelations. To make the movie work, the actors went all the way. Well, all the way to third base, anyway.

10. All About Anna

Via: YouTube

This Danish feature film is unique among our list in that it was written and directed with an eye toward a specific audience: women. It’s a romantic comedy intended primarily for a female audience with a comical series of romantic trysts forming the basis of the narrative. And at the basis of many of those scenes is very real sexual intercourse. It wasn’t exactly a contender for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award, but plenty of Danish women certainly appreciated the movie.

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