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‹ 14 Movies Where The Love Scenes Were Real

9. Don’t Look Now

Via: IndieWire

The 1973 feature film Don’t Look Now deals with the grief parents feel after the tragic loss of a child. Not exactly lighthearted material, to be sure, but certainly powerful. In the film, Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie portray a husband and wife trying to repair their lives after their daughter’s death, and in one passionate scene they rekindle their romance. For real. This movie is one of the few films that both features real hanky panky and that is actually quite good.

8. 9 Songs


If you love the music of the early 200os, including songs by bands like The Dandy Warhols and Franz Ferdinand, then you just might like the 2004 film 9 Songs. If you love seeing actors have actual, non-simulated lovemaking multiple times during a single movie, you will probably like the film. And if you don’t mind a rather elevated degree of pretension, then you just might love this musically-oriented 2004 feature.

7. Little Ashes

Via: Little Ashes Movie

Female Twilight fans who were on Team Edward will probably flock to this 2008 drama not due to a sudden interest in famed painter Salvador Dalí or the poet tragic poet Federico García Lorca, but rather because in the film, actor Robert Pattinson actually masturbates. Now, you can’t see anything other than his face, but it’s still rather rare that an A-list celebrity goes through with an “act” like that and then freely admits it later.

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