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‹ 15 Bizarre Images From Google Street View In Asia

13. Family Scooter in Taiwan

Via: Google Street View

Personal space is treated differently in many Eastern countries than it is in most Western nations; people in the East tend to be much more comfortable crowding closely together than are their European and American counterparts. Scooter travel is also more common in Asia than in most Western countries, and certainly more prevalent than it is in the United States. Here, we see a that comfort with proximity and scooter driving merge as an entire family shares a single scooter while driving around in Taiwan. And the adult is the only person wearing a helmet.

12. Crazy Crowded Truck in Cambodia

Via: Google Street View

Remember that crowded scooter from Taiwan we talked about a few seconds ago? Forget about that one. This Cambodian truck takes the cake in terms of maximum passenger load. If we assume there are only two people in the cabin of the vehicle and no one out of sight on the other side of the visible passengers riding atop the cab and in the truck bed, then there are no fewer than thirteen people on this one very small, rickety truck. And actually the count is likely fourteen or fifteen people, as there are likely three in the cab and at least one person blocked by the gaggle of passengers in the bed. That’s not really safe, guys.

11. Fukushima: The Nuclear Ghost Town

Via: Google Street View

This is but one of many haunting images recorded by a Google Street View car driving through the city of Fukushima, Japan back in 2013. The once-thriving city was almost totally abandoned following an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that led to the meltdown of three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March of 2011. Dangerous amounts of radiation were released into the surrounding air, water, and down into the soil, rendering the region unsafe for humans for years to come. At least we can visit from afar thanks to the intrepid Google car.

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