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15 Countries People Can Visit In Under 24 Hours

Travel, World
15 Countries People Can Visit In Under 24 Hours

Having a strong desire or impulse to explore and travel the world is known as wanderlust. If you have been bit by the wanderlust bug it is hard to stop travelling and exploring. You enjoy submerging  yourself into different cultures and exploring different parts of the world. You enjoy the thrill of hopping on a plane, train or you love a good road trip! The thought of backpacking excites you and you are always down for an adventure filled new discoveries. Travelling is not for everyone, however if you are a victim of wanderlust the desire to travel never goes away and your countries to visit bucket list is never ending.

Sometimes wanderlust is so real that you want to visit as many places and countries that you can in a short amount of time.  It is every wanderlust sufferer’s dream to visit every country in the world, however that is a lot of countries and let’s face: it traveling can get pretty expensive. A great place to start checking off places on your bucket list is Europe. Every country is close to each other and travel throughout Europe is relatively cheap. With so many options, such as trains, planes or even driving, visiting more than one country is doable. Here are 15 countries people can visit in under 24 hours.

15. Italy

via: Tenor

Milan is a metropolis in Italy’s northern region and is known as the global capital of fashion and design. Perfect for visiting at any time during the year, Milan draws in many tourists every year. It is also known for it’s high-end restaurants and shops. It is a perfect place for those who love the fashion industry and those who love the culinary industry. Located in Milan is the Gothic Duamo di Milano cathedral and the Santa Maria Delle Grazie, where Leonardo da Vinci’s mural “The Last Supper” can be found. With many restaurants, shops, museums and attractions, there is something for everyone in this Italian city. You will not be disappointed with the beautiful views of Milan.

14. Switzerland

via: Strange Beaver

The capital of Switzerland, Bern offers a wealth of culture, leisure and entertainment. Visit the Old Town of Bern to immerse yourself into the authentic culture of this European country. The Old Town of Bern is surrounded by Aare River making it an enclosed city where everything can be reached by foot. Bern is known for its numerous fountains that add to the beauty of the city. These fountains pay homage to the heroes and past historical events that took place in the city of Bern. Visitors can explore bars, cultural venues, and shops that have been converted from ancient cellars. Take in the beautiful picturesque views and enjoy everything the city has to offer.

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