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15 Daily Routines Of The Extremely Wealthy

15 Daily Routines Of The Extremely Wealthy


You probably know by now that even with all the money in the world, there are some things you’ll never be able to buy. The rich know this fact all too well. You might not have noticed but rich people often have a set of habits and behaviors that they routinely do to maintain their focus, energy and motivation and keep their fortunes growing. They believe and it has been researched that these odd habits such as waking up early or avoiding too much TV make them who they are. It’s a set habitual routine that keeps them focused throughout the day. It motivates them and multiplies their energy, enabling them to remain where they are financially. Therefore, if you are looking to be rich and successful in the near future, you better grasp a few rich man habits.

You’ll notice that some of their habits are a bit peculiar from the average guy. They stay organized, avoid distractions, and are focused on a set of habits. While being intelligent, rich, and having a sense of charm are some of the qualities that wealthy people have, more often than not these aren’t the qualities that separate the rich from the poor. However what really separates us from the rich is our daily habits. If you want to know the daily habits of the rich, then you have come to the right place. In this article we will highlight 15 daily routines of the rich.

15. Adopt A Wealthy Personality


Like all wealthy people in the world, you have to have a billionaire personality if you want to be wealthy or keep on being rich. Therefore, if you just won a million bucks in the lottery, you better be ready to adopt a millionaire personality. One thing wealthy people do on a daily basis is keep their cool. According to napoleon hills book “Think and Grow Rich,” to be wealthy you need to adopt a wealthy personality. You need to be cool enough not to lose composure or show your temper when you are in an unpleasant circumstance. Therefore, the extremely wealthy never lose their cool on a daily basis, they always keep a positive mind.

14. Have Daily Goals


Extremely wealthy people have daily goals. As part of their daily schedule, they set out goals and aim to achieve them. According to Idan Shpizear, who put $3000 into a business that is now worth $27 million, he states that when people focus on their goals, it usually makes the difference between survival and success. While tackling everyday obstacles, the extremely wealthy have set goals and they aim to accomplish them by the end of the day. He adds that a lot of people jump straight into things without setting out a strategy or having a goal. This makes the difference between successful people and the not so successful people. If you want to be extremely wealthy, set out goals early in the morning and aim to achieve them by the end of the day.

13. Make To-Do Lists


So did you plan what to do today? Have no idea? Me neither, and that’s what sets the difference between the extremely wealthy and the poor. Most extremely wealthy people are goal oriented, they will plan their day ahead of them to ensure that they have things to do all the time. The extremely wealthy maintain a to-do list, this list contains items that have a realistic chance of being 80% completed by the end of the day. At the end of the day, they evaluate their to-do list which will enforce accountability. Wealthy and successful people ensure they have a to-do list to be able to achieve goals.

12. Watch Less TV


So, how much TV did you watch today? Probably a lot of TV. Well, did you know that the wealthy don’t watch TV? Why do you think they don’t? Well, according to research, watching TV is not a productive use of your time. You are better off doing something that will benefit you at the end of the day. According to a rich habits website, only 23 percent of extremely wealthy people confessed to watching more than an hour of TV per day. While 78% of most people watch more than an hour of reality TV, it gives wealthy people more time to broaden their financial horizons. Therefore, if you are looking to be rich, you better cut on watching TV for 24 hours.

11. Widen Your Social Network


How many people have you made contact with today? And I am not talking about the people you met at a party last night. Well, wealthy people often take their time every day to widen their circle of acquaintances and influence. By doing this routinely, they are better placed when it comes to meeting people that will actually help them in their careers, thereby making them more successful. There’s a lot of benefit is widening your social network as well as your professional network. Meeting like-minded individuals is set to broaden your thinking capacity as well as your mindset. Therefore, if you are looking to become extremely wealthy, then you need to ensure that you broaden your network of successful people each day. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

10. Learn Something Every Day


What did you learn today? Well, rich people tend to try and learn new things every day. Wealthy people are always absorbing new knowledge every day. While you are listening to the top 20 fresh hits, they are probably listening to a podcast, avidly reading articles or watching the latest Ted Talk. According to research done on a rich habits website, 63% of wealthy people admitted to listening to podcasts when they go to work, compared to poor people of which only 5% do. This means that extremely wealthy people make a point of educating themselves on a daily basis.

9. Invest Your Time And Money


Investing might seem like a no-brainer since when you are rich you probably have a lot of money that you can invest. However, the extremely wealthy will ensure that they track and put a lot of their money into their pensions, and insurance, be it on a daily basis, passively or even actively. So what did you invest in today? To be wealthy, you need to try and invest your money and time. Investments are bound to help you in the long run, whether it’s your pension, or the time you spend in college reading or even time spent planning your goals. At the end of the day you get to gain something from it.

8. Take Time For Yourself


Do you get time for yourself out of your busy day? Well according to New York best selling author, who’s had time to review successful people such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and the like, states that successful people take out a piece of their day everyday for themselves. They will schedule some amount of time out of their day where they will only do one thing. This time can be used to plan your work or organize your life. If you do not block out time for your self everyday, then you are already losing ground on the path to being a wealthy individual.

7. Get Up Early


What time did you wake up today? Probably at 10am? And you spent another three hours lying in bed huh? Well, the extremely wealthy like president Obama or Xerox CEO Ursula Burns are all early risers. Has this really attributed to their success? Well yes, early risers start their days ahead of anyone else. By doing this it gives them more personal time, for reflecting or even exercising. Early risers are more happy and productive, giving them a better chance at being successful than other people. If you are looking to be the next Bill Gates and you wake up at 10am every morning, there’s a fat chance you’ll get to be extremely wealthy.

6. Work Hard!


Successful people are always working. They tend to keep themselves busy when they have nothing to do, because there is always something to do other than lie down and watch reality TV all day. Keeping yourself busy is a sure way of gaining wealth. By constantly working, it improves your productivity, meaning you are set to gain more than someone who sleeps or lies down doing nothing when they have nothing to do. Successful people are never idle. They will do 60-70 hours a week, and this is the type of spirit that an entrepreneur needs. Therefore, if you are looking to get rich, find something to do when you are free, read more, work more!

5. Challenge Yourself Daily


What did you challenge yourself to do today? Did you know that wealthy people challenge themselves daily? Well, creating wealth is all about critically thinking, therefore if you surround yourself with people who confirm a lot of the perceptions in your life, then you might never find the much needed inspiration to make you think out of the box. Therefore, if you want to make a wealthy person out of yourself, you will need to challenge yourself daily by trying out different things that will set your life higher than it was yesterday. Doing this daily will definitely improve your perception of life and give you a better chance of increasing your fortunes.

4. Read Every Day


Did you read today, or are you planning to read before you got to bed? Well, did you know that wealthy people take some time out of their busy schedule to read? Well, through books, we are able to learn a lot about history, our nature, and other cultures apart from your own. While a majority of the poor say that they don’t get time to read, the rich often make time for it. This is a sad fact since it leaves a wealth of potential knowledge untapped. Reading sharpens your mind, and a sharp mind is more knowledgeable, critical thinking and active. This opens your minds to more avenues of expanding your fortunes. You better start reading daily if you want to be successful.

3. Be Grateful


A lot of wealthy people show gratitude. This is a really powerful tool when it comes to building wealth, and it’s a great habit to practice daily. Therefore, if you are the type of person who is always in the company of a lot of people, it’s always a good gesture to express gratitude. This is a good way to keep opinions about you among other people positive. If you have ever sent a wealthy person a gift card or gift, you will notice that they will always show gratitude. It’s an active way of making people feel positive about you. So whether you are being served at the deli or you just got an electronic gift card from a long lost friend, always be grateful.

2. Teach Your Kids To Think


Rich people will always pass their characteristics and values down the line. This is a fact, and they will teach their kids to think rather than what to think. They will ensure that their kids are always reading as compared to poor kids who spend a lot of time watching television and cartoons. They will also engage their kids in active, intellectual conversations to help them understand that they need to think for themselves. Extremely wealthy people understand that their children need to find their own way as opposed to being shown their way around. This teaches them to make their own judgments, and speak out for themselves.

1. Don’t Live Above Your Means


While the wealthy are known to buy the most expensive things, and live lavish lives, they also live minimally. Minimally doesn’t mean that they get stingy or live in tiny apartments. What they mean is that they try not to live above their means. They identify what is essential and what will seem like luxury, this habit often sticks with them. They might buy fancy clothes, cars, or houses, but still they ensure that it is within their means. While the poor will spend all of their money on expensive things that they cannot afford, the rich will only spend what they have. Therefore, if you are always being chased down by the repo men due to your fancy financed car, you better think twice about your limits.

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