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15 High Powered Positions That Women Really Find Attractive

Career, Lifestyle
15 High Powered Positions That Women Really Find Attractive

Your job says what you are. It conveys your passion to the world. Everyone desires to have a high-powered job or a position that can take them to greater heights, but unfortunately only a few get such wonderful opportunities. Some jobs are highly boring and there is no scope for innovation. It may give the person a fixed amount of salary and some underrated advantages. The well-known writer and journalist John Derbyshire was right when he said, “Ninety percent of paid work is time-wasting crap. The world gets by on the other ten.” 

Your job/position must sound awesome for others, especially for women. Wise women never care about how attractive a guy is. “Where do you work?” – this is what she wants to ask on her first date. It doesn’t mean that she is a gold digger! Before saying “yes” to your proposal she wants to know how successful you are and what kind of talents you possess. Here, your job serves as a strong criteria.  She knows that only a hardworking and dedicated man can get a high powered position and she would love to accept his proposal. 

Here you can find 15 high powered positions that women really find attractive. You are lucky if your profession is also included in the list.

15. Doctor


Doctors are always in demand and they enjoy special respect in each and every country. Of course, getting a medical degree is not a piece of cake. A medical student spends the most cherishing period of his life inside the four walls of the library while his peers are busy hanging out with their girlfriends. However, the journey is definitely worth it. After stepping out of medical college with a degree, he will receive millions of rewards like a stable job, bulk salary, and the list goes on. He will receive hundreds of marriage proposals from the parents of bachelorettes. No girl will say no to a doctor’s proposal, that’s the power of his profession.

14. Pilot


Most of the women find this job awesome. Only a man with guts can become a pilot and that makes him unique and stand out from the crowd. A pilot gets a handsome salary, a luxury accommodation and a golden chance of visiting foreign countries. He is a hero in the eyes of people and also a superman for kids. His girlfriend or wife will enjoy a great social status and they are always honored to introduce him to their friends. Like other husbands, he too shares work-life stories with his darling and she will never say “I am bored” because his stories are filled with adventures. Many times, pilots are lauded for their heroic acts that saved the lives of thousands.

13. Police Officer


A true dream hero of million girls. What makes him so sexy? Yes, his uniform and the emblem on it! The muscular body and the angry young man look can grab the attention of any woman. And the movies have created a great image for this profession. He is disciplined in everything and highly responsible. Rarely you will find a policeman who is addicted to junk food and alcohol. That’s the secret behind their good looks. Women like policemen and they are also aware of it. Roaming with a policeman will be wonderful and safe because no one would dare mess with a policeman’s girlfriend! 

12.  Chef


Yes, women love to date a chef. For most men, this profession is not so attractive, but women have a different opinion. A chef has the potential to create a magical moment for his family with yummy dishes. Cooking is his passion and he loves to add beautiful flavours to every single meal. At his restaurant,  he delights the customers with tasty food and he experiments with new dishes at home for his lovely kids. His wife will have some time for leisure activities when he takes over her kitchen work. That’s so sweet! People have no idea about how lucrative a chef’s salary can be, especially for those who work in luxury hotels or in popular restaurants. Hold your breath! They get a six figure salary and also other exciting benefits.

11. Film Actor


He lives his life like an angel. Don’t you agree? People go crazy when they spot a film star in a public place. It’s a hard to find a woman who doesn’t have a crush on a film star. A single blockbuster movie can make him a millionaire overnight and bring him hundreds of opportunities. He keeps hitting the news headlines for his summer holiday pictures and dating rumors. Acting in films, endorsing top brands, attending popular talk shows, posing for photographers…such a beautiful life he has! His wife doesn’t have to worry about anything because he can create heaven on earth for her if she asks him to do so. A personal designer, an expensive car, a private jet and costly villas in multiple cities, the list of luxuries go on and on. 

10. Astronaut


Astronauts are very special because they are considered as some of the most dedicated and intelligent people on earth. The life of an astronaut is really strange and risky. He deserves a lot of respect and salutes for his commitment and sacrifice. An astronaut spends months in space working on a particular mission that will help his country or the entire universe. Of course, he may not get sufficient time for his family life due to his busy work life. However, no girl will reject his marriage proposal, that’s the power of his profession. Soon after landing on earth, he receives loads of awards and appreciation that make his beloved one proud.

9.  Gym Instructor


These days young girls want to have a perfect body just like Selena Gomez or Kendall Jenner. So, hitting the gym is a big necessity. Women keep approaching gym instructors for fitness tips and they always admire his knowledge. No doubt, gym instructor are super hot and can impress women easily. They are highly concerned about their beloved one’s health and keep encouraging them to have a healthy lifestyle.

Let me tell you a secret. Most women out there don’t like to roam around with a fat man, so they keep telling their boyfriends to take control of their eating habits. Some girlfriends forcefully send their guys to the gym. All these problems will not bother a girl who gets married to a gym instructor because her man is a big time fitness freak.

8. Singer


Singers are youth sensations today and they will remain the same forever. Talent matters! Singers like Justin Bieber or Harry Styles may receive million of proposals if they start looking for a life partner. This profession has a wide scope for creativity and it’s always recognized with awards. Wherever they go, women surround them for selfies and hugs. On social media, they keep sending love messages even though they never get a response from their dream singer. Singers can express their love using beautiful ballads and women absolutely love that! They may even surprise their loved one by dedicating a song during a musical concert.

7. Counsellor


Everyone needs counselling at some point in their lives. People bang the doors of a counsellors with various problems related to their personal and professional life. An efficient counsellor brings out the best solution to problems and also provide right guidance. This profession is not possible for everyone since it requires a lot of patience and perseverance in order to comfort clients. It doesn’t mean that a successful counsellor makes a million dollar per year, but he can definitely win a million hearts by lending a helping hand. A counsellor may have a wonderful family life since he is excellent in dealing with emotions and would probably be able to use his skills to make sure his marriage flourishes. 

6. Army Officer


This profession deserves a lot of respect and love from people. Army guys sacrifice their personal life in order to keep their country safe and they carry the spirit of patriotism. As you know, they consider their profession as a golden opportunity to serve the mother nation. They are amazing, aren’t they? Women are fond of these brave men who are honored for their vigour and bravery. Army officers get a good salary package and the government takes care of their families by providing them with free health care, education, and other necessities. An army officer’s wife always receives a great amount of respect from people and that makes her feel proud.

5. Engineer


Engineers are smart and intelligent. These are the people who must be credited for all the successful innovations that benefit the world. An engineer’s mind can make or break the nation, luckily most of them prefer the first option. Every field has a place for an engineer. It may be house construction, software development, automobile or space technology, without him nothing is possible. Due to their creativity, we have a wide variety of phones, laptops, apps and other technical gadgets available in the market. In fact, the most powerful economies recruit genius engineers from all around the world. Engineers contribute a lot to a nation’s GDP and they have changed the economic scenario. For women, engineers are the coolest creatures on earth with a great commitment to work.

4. Fashion Designer


Fashion designers are blessed with everything! Common people admire their talent whereas top models love to show off their designs on the ramp. Media keeps the fashion designers under the limelight when the top fashion galas take place. Of course, designers are well paid for their work and keep receiving great offers. As you know, every celebrity has a designer for herself and such designers get great recognition. “What should I wear today?” is something every woman asks. But a fashion designer’s girlfriend or wife will never encounter this terrible question because her man keeps her updated with the latest trends from the fashion world. Every day she will get to hear about fashion tips and creative ideas.

3. Entrepreneur


Entrepreneurs are driven by strong commitment and dedication. They set an example for every person who wants to reach greater heights. “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance,” said the late Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of Apple. An entrepreneur doesn’t have to beg others for a salary hike since he is his own boss. Youngsters treat him like a role model and follow his path whereas journalists wait for an opportunity to have an interview with him. Such a dignified profession! Usually, businessmen look for a life partner who can stay supportive and handle any situation with the right attitude. Most of the celebrity women have chosen a businessmen as their life partners because they find this profession most attractive.

2. Athlete


Women not only enjoy sports but also fall in love with sportsmen. Have you observed the huge female crowd when Usain Bolt was on track during the Rio Olympics? It was crazy and the man stole millions of hearts for his outstanding achievement. Athletes are the most hardworking people on earth. The years of struggle and the pain will go away after kissing their first medal. The public life of an athlete is always amazing. People long for his autograph, follow him on social media and always keep their ears open for dating rumors. Yes, the media goes crazy when he steps out with his girlfriend or wife. In fact, his life partner gets a celebrity status without working hard for it.

1. Politician


If someone asks you to name some of the most powerful people in the world, what will be your answer? Of course, you will take the names of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel or any other well-known politician. Politicians are truly blessed because they have the power to make a difference in the system. No one shows the courage of going against politicians since they have a huge influence on all most everything.

No doubt, the life of a politician’s wife can make anyone jealous. She can attend prestigious events and show off her costly attires. Due to her husband’s position, she will be the center of attention where ever she goes. Women follow her clothing style, and search for similar outfits on online shopping sites. Ladies like Melania Trump and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau have set a new trend in that manner. 

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