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‹ 15 Images Of River Monsters Lurking In Our Waters

13. Nile Perch

via Animalia Life

The Nile perch is a giant fish, as it weighs almost 500 pounds and it grows approximately six feet in length. It is naturally found in the rivers of the Congo, the Nile, Senegal, Niger and other river basins. It is a large mouthed fish. The Nile perch is greenish brown in color and it is a bit slippery from below. It is largely considered a food and game fish. Because of the change in their ecosystem due to natural reasons, the Nile perch population has declined catastrophically. It can live in any fresh water habitat but mostly prefers warm tropical waters. It usually feeds on insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and fish. They live about sixteen years and their breeding season is from March to June.

12. White Sturgeon

via Youtube

They are considered to be the largest archaic fresh water fish in North America; they reach up to 200 feet in length and weigh almost 1800 pounds. They grow slowly and mature in a period of eight to twenty years, whereas the fish in the South mature faster as compared to the North. They can live in a variety of conditions and are usually classified as bony fish. This fish does not have any scales, it has a small mouth and its head and body are very slender. Their color can either be grey, olive or brown. They do not have any teeth and can sense food with the help of barbells that are present near the mouth. They are inhabitants of deep water and they are considered to be nocturnal fish.

11. Arapaima

via biolib

They are some of the world’s largest fish, measuring 9.8 feet in length and weighing almost 440 pounds. An interesting fact about this fish is that it needs air. Only baby Arapaima have gills; adults have air bladders which help them to breathe and this adaptation helps them to survive in oxygen deficient areas where other fish become lazy. The father takes care of the baby fish and keeps them in his mouth until they grow enough to survive on their own. The arapaima is a carnivorous fish; it uses its mouth to catch fish and even birds that are on the surface of the water. The bony tongue also helps them to chew and crush food.

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