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15 Interesting Things Ladies Want Men To Do More Of

15 Interesting Things Ladies Want Men To Do More Of

Women can be very demanding and are hard to satisfy. That is what some men think. However, not all women fit these criteria. They are only demanding and hard to satisfy when they are hoping to get more out of their men. You see, sometimes they push and nag you, not only so that they can get their way, but just so that you can live up to your fullest potential. But they are generally perfectionists who expect you to jump when they ask you to and to bend over backward for them. Don’t worry, they are often willing to do the same for you sometimes.

There are always going to be things that ladies want men to do more of. We understand that they are a bit demanding, but men need to be propelled to the straight and narrow and some of them are in need of some guidance. This article will give you some tips on what ladies want you to do more of. Some things may seem a bit unreasonable and others are a bit more reasonable. Don’t worry though, if you do more of these things, you may be likely to have a better relationship.

15. A Little Honesty


In all relationships, all partners hope for honesty. It takes years to build trust in a relationship, but that trust can be lost in a second. If you are in a relationship, you should not lie to your significant other about important things, or keep details from them. Even if you didn’t lie outright and verbally, just keeping something from your significant other makes you dishonest. Women want you to share your day with them and all the important details of your life. When you do this, trust is built easier, and she never has a reason to doubt your honesty. So if she asks you something, answer truthfully. Sometimes you may have to make a judgment call as to what information you disclose, as your job may make you sign a non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement.

14. Some Understanding


This may be funny coming from women, but women want their men to be more understanding. Men also want women to be understanding too. If you take the time to know her, and you know her well enough, then she will not feel as if she needs to explain herself to you. She will also not have to explain what she wants in the relationship, because you understand her wants and her needs. Understanding should always go both ways, if you take your time to understand and know her, then she should do the same. So if she tells you that she is having a girls night out or you tell her that you are spending the day with your friends, you will not have to question each other as you will know the people in your significant other’s life.

13. You Should Care For Her


Women want men to care for them more. Women need these affirmations both verbally and non-verbally. You should not tell a woman that you care for her if your actions are contrary to the words that come out of your mouth. Caring doesn’t mean that you show an interest in her life, it just means that she could count on you to be there for her when she needs you. It also means that you are reliable and that you stick to your word. If you tell her that you are going to get something done, get it done. She should not have to remind you of it. Little things can show her that you care. If you want to be more caring, then you can start by being a man of your word.

12. You Need To Be Her Security


A woman is not going to want to be with a man who she does not feel safe and comfortable with. She has to be confident that you will have her best interests at heart. Some men may say this, but in reality, they do not have your best interests at heart. She also wants her man to give her financial security, but a good woman is also willing to work to secure her own finances. Security does not only mean that you will protect her from danger, even if it just means calling the cops, it also means that you keep the most precious thing she will give to you safely: her heart. If you can keep her heart safe, then she can trust you with her physical and financial security.

11. He Has To Take Care Of Himself


Women appreciate a man who is well groomed. Sometimes, this may be a bit confusing for men because some women are attracted to guys who have a laid-back look, like a beard or a scruffy and unkempt look. The truth is while these men may be attractive, there is a time and place for everything. The unkempt and scruffy look may be appropriate for casual events, but the look is highly inappropriate for formal events. She does not mind your beard, but she just wishes that you will keep it in check when it is time to dress up. So, men, women expect you to be well groomed. Imagine her disappointment after spending hours on her hair and makeup when you do not make any effort for her.

10. Positivity And Optimism


People are attracted to positive and optimistic people because of the energy they carry. No one wants to be around a negative person, because the energy they bring, like their attitudes, are heavy. Women want men to be a little more positive. What if she goes to the mechanic for herself, fixes something without asking for your assistance or even buys a car alone? Rather than bring her down for her decision, you should tell her that you are proud of her and be glad that she has a bit of independence. Women prefer to be with men who make them feel good. Men also want to be with women who can make them feel good. So, if you tend to criticize a lot, you can practice working on that behavior over the holidays.

9. He Should Use His Words


It may sound like something a mother will tell her children, but women wish that men would use their words more. If you want something, or you have an opinion, you should always communicate. Rather than bottle your feelings, you should feel free to express them. Women want men to communicate more with them. Women are generally talkative and have no problem talking about how they feel. They expect the same from men, but men tend to be more motivated toward action. If you have problems communicating, you should practice. Take it slowly, as you need to learn to crawl first before you can walk. Your woman will appreciate the efforts that you make, and she will reward you for it.

8. Be More Social


When women say that they want men to be more social, they do not mean that they expect them to hang out more or become extroverts. They just want men to be friendly and to know how to behave in certain social settings. If you are hanging out with her friends, there are certain things you say, and certain things you don’t, even when you are with her family or coworkers. She expects that you are more cognizant of what topics of conversation are appropriate and not appropriate. Even if you don’t know the people she hangs out with, she at least wants you to attempt to follow the conversation or contribute to it in an appropriate way.You represent her, so she expects you to make an impression.

7. Be Smart


This may be a bit insulting, but women want their men to be smart. Being smart has nothing to do with having a high IQ. It just means that you are smart enough to carry on a decent conversation. She should not have to worry about you having a conversation about something you know nothing about. A good way to be smart is to follow current events, read and ignore fake news. A smart man will know that everything he reads on social media is not true. Furthermore, he will take the time to research topics that are of interest to him or topics that are trending. Women find smart guys attractive. Being smart also means that you have common knowledge, and you are able to use it to survive.

6. Some Passion


Women want men to have more passion. Passion is not only about what happens in the bedroom. But, if you are talking about something you like to do, she should know it is something you enjoy, not because you say it but your body language and attitude should tell the story. Furthermore, women want men who are capable of exciting them and men who like thrill and adventure. It may seem immature, but women love to be around men with energy, because they do not want to be with someone with a lackluster attitude. So simple things like following a football team or being enthusiastic about planning a date are things that women expect to see in men who are passionate.

5. Take Initiative


Women want men to take more initiative. They feel as though they should not have to ask you to get things fixed in the house or to ask you to call a repairman. These are initiatives you should take on your own. Even if she informs you of things that need to be done around the house, she should never have to remind you repeatedly to do it. Because when she does, it becomes a problem and you call her a nag. Some women hate to nag men, but others believe that it is necessary, because men often fail at taking initiatives. If you know that there is something to be done around the house, you should do it rather than have your wife nag you about it. Because once she starts to nag, you are going to become frustrated, and your relationship may suffer.

4. Have An Opinion


Men barely have an opinion about things, and this can be annoying to women. They have opinions, but the opinions they have are related to sports, television sizes, other gadgets, repairs and cars. Women want to know that you care enough to have an opinion when they ask you how you feel about a certain curtain color or couch. By having an opinion about things that she cares about, it shows that you are interested and that she does not have to make all the decisions alone. If you are used to ignoring your significant other when she asks about household related products or even your opinion about clothes that she wears, she really wants you to have a genuine opinion and show that you care about her.

3. Some Ambition


She is not asking you to be a millionaire, but she is asking you to have some ambition. In other words, you should have some life goal that you want to achieve, and you should be doing something to help you achieve it. Women are attracted to men with ambition, because they are hard workers, and they are passionate. She assumes that these characteristics will make him an excellent husband. Apart from those characteristics, men with a sense of ambition are also committed to achieving their goals. If you are ambitious, you are going to attract a lot of women. However, if you lack ambition, you should reassess your life in order to determine your dreams and goals. Women will be demanding that men are more ambitious.

2. A Bit Of Confidence


Confidence is key and both men and women are attracted to a significant other who is confident. Even if women want men to be more confident, it does not mean that you should be overconfident and arrogant. She just wants you to be surer of yourself and comfortable in your own skin. If you are skilled, then you should be confident in your ability. A good way to build confidence is to practice positive self-affirmations. Another way in which you can build confidence is to become more knowledgeable and improve your skills by practicing. Being confident also has a lot to do with how you view yourself. Practice confidence building, and you will be more desirable to women. Just remember that while she may want you to be more confident, she doesn’t want you to be a jerk.

1. Some Recognition


Women crave more recognition and praise from men. They feel as if their efforts being a nurturer, mother and wife go unrecognized. If you fail to recognize your woman for the work she does around the house, or the simple things she does for you, you should start recognizing her. Women do these things because they love you. Although they love you, they can also hold a mean grudge. You should remember that she does not have to cook meals for you or do your laundry. But she chooses to do this regardless. So because she is selfless, you ought to recognize her. It doesn’t have to be an extravagant gift but a thank you can work and don’t forget her favorite flower! You can also call her and tell her that you will pick up dinner on your way home. She will appreciate it.

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