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‹ 15 Million Dollar Plus Cars That Will Get The Ladies Excited

13. The Mazzanti Evantra Millecavalli – $1.2 Million

Via: Mazzanti Automobili

Italian car company Mazzanti is another carmaker much like Germany’s Apollo Autombil: most of us have probably never heard of it, but those who live and breath all things automotive probably can’t hear enough about it. Mazzanti’s latest, greatest car is an update to their Evantra supercar, the Evantra Millecavalli. This monster disguised as a vehicle makes it past 6o miles per hour in just 2.7 seconds and can keep on accelerating up to around 250 MPH.

12. The Pagani Zonda Cinque – $1.4 Million

Via: Auto Car

If you speak a bit of Italian, you will know that the word “cinque” means five. That’s not a random coincidence here, and indeed it would be a pretty odd name for a supercar were it not germane to the specific model in that only five of these cars were made this year, with 2017 marketing the end of nearly two decades of production. So while they sold for about $1.4 million MSRP, if you want one, you’ll be buying it one the second hand market, but not for a discounted price, FYI. Its futuristic body is made from a blend of carbon fiber and titanium components, making it lightweight but strong and durable.

11. The Aston Martin One-77 – $1.4 Million

Via: Aston Martin

One million, four hundred thousand dollars seems to be a common price tag for supercars, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s because that’s about the average exchange rate of one million euros? Regardless, this $1.4 million dollar car is gorgeous and capable. The Aston Matin One-77 has a 7.3-liter V12 engine that produces a respectable 750 HP and that will get the car moving near 220 miles per hour. But you purchase this car more because it is beautiful than because of raw power. What’s with the name? Well, between 2009 and 2012, the company built exactly 77 of them.

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