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15 Reasons Guys Go For The “Dirty” Girls

15 Reasons Guys Go For The “Dirty” Girls

So why do you think guys can’t resist the charm of the bad girl? Well, if you are a good girl, you don’t have to hate yourself for having the good traits, at least we all know you are the one he will want to meet his mother. Why do men find bad girls to enticing yet they know they are bad news? Ever dated a bad girl? They are frustrating, fickle and unpredictable, and if you are looking for a long and lasting relationship, then I wouldn’t recommend them for your first choice. But, with all these red flags, there’s still something about the allure of the bad girl that most men cannot resist.

Have you ever felt insecure when a bad girl talks to your boyfriend? He may be yours but I bet you noticed how he behaves when she talks or flirts with him, it’s obvious that he can’t help it half the time and ends up being nervous around her, it’s an involuntary desire. So what distinguishes the good girl from the bad girl? Well, the good girl is almost like your soft pillow, your relationship will be filled with lots of love, comfort, and security. But with the bad girl, it’s a roller coaster, you might not enjoy them fully, but you can’t resist the rough ride. If you have been wondering why men are so attracted to the bad girl, here are 15 Reasons Guys Go For the “Dirty” Girls.

15. She is a Naughty Girl


If you didn’t know this, you better understand it now. Men love nudie magazines! It doesn’t matter what they told you on your first date, they will keep a stash away from you if it’s possible and you will never find it. If there’s one thing men know how to hide it’s their nudie magazines, you have a better chance finding their side chick. Bad girls are not prudish, and they won’t pretend to hate your special “interest” in the naked body or even shy away from the topic. Guys love this kind of woman because their bedroom life will never be boring. Most good girls are clueless or conservative when it comes to sexual adventures.

14. Bad Girls are Hot


Well, it doesn’t mean that all bad girls are good looking, half of them are pretty much on the down side of average looking girls, but their attitude tends to push them on the better side of attractive. Your appearance will always matter, and it doesn’t matter how long you have been in love. Leave the heavy sweaters and thick outfits for the in-laws and get into one of those sexy outfits. Bad girls are never afraid to show their sexuality, something that most guys cannot resist. She will show up at a date looking hot but comfortable. That way he won’t be able to take his eyes off her.

13. Bad Girls are Adventurous


Bad girls do not care about borders, and especially when it comes to recklessness. One thing that guys love about the bad girl is that she is spontaneous, and will be willing to try out anything at least once. In case you want to show your bad side to your man, the best thing would be to go out there and experience new things, get a feel of what life has to offer and let your guy understand that you love a good adventure every now and then. Most good girls like to stay in their comfort zone, but a little wild rush won’t hurt.

12. Bad Girls are Flirty


If you have encountered a bad girl, then you probably know that they are little devils that will flirt and seduce any man they get without making their intentions so obvious. The bad girls are alluring, fun and sexy talkers who are known to give guys an exciting time without even touching them. Guys love a girl who can walk up to them and flirt, it’s not something that happens every time, and the reason it always works is that guys will never expect a girl to be comfortable enough to walk up on them and flirt. If you haven’t done that before, give it a try.

11. Bad Girls don’t expect anyone to stand up for them


Unlike most girls who believe in the theory of the knight in shiny armor, the bad girl believes in standing up for herself. She will be quick to defend what she believes in without fear, something that turns on guys. Bad girls are determined and motivated, and would hardly let anything get in the way of their dreams or goals. The best part about it is that they can do this without the help of any man! Therefore, if you are the type of girl who gets everything done for them, then you are not being bad enough for your man.

10. Bad Girls believe in themselves


So what really attracts bad girls to men? Well, they believe in themselves, and they do not need to conform to the rules of society to fit in. She is a good kind of misfit. Most people around her will pretend not to appreciate the way she lives her life, but half of them want to be like her secretly. Making decisions for your girl might be cute on the first date, but it becomes a bother when you can’t pick out a movie or even what to eat from the menu during a lunch date. Believe in yourself a little.

9. Bad Girls never sugar coat it


Well, it always feels great and encouraging when your girlfriend is supportive during tough times and ensures you that everything will be okay especially during tough times, even when it’s not. This does not mean that you have to be mean to your guy when things are falling apart for him. However, bad girls will show their man the facts and the nature of the situation as it is. They will tend to help him understand his mistakes rather than sugarcoat the situation by giving him false hope. Sugarcoating helps ease the pain during a bad situation but guys will rather get shot in the head once than five times on the chest.

8. She is High Maintenance


The truth hurts, but guys want a low maintenance girl around the house but would rather be seen walking in the street with a high maintenance girl. If you haven’t noticed, high maintenance girls are always awed and admired by guys, even if they cannot be afforded. While this does not mean you should ask for the new Ferrari this evening, it means you need a little sophistication every now and then. Men love to flaunt their women once in a while. If you rarely go for dinner dates, it’s probably because you have gotten cheaper! A little high maintenance won’t break the bank.

7. Bad Girls never loose their Class


We’ve all been in this situation. After dating for a while, things get normal, and most couples will try less to impress their spouses, meaning they will dress less sexy, avoid the makeup, never shave or add serious weight. Well, a bad girl knows better than this. She won’t last a decade in a relationship, but she will never lose her cool, she will leave as fresh as she first came. She understands the secret behind seduction and attraction; her looks matter just as much as her personality. If you have been less caring, you better style up!

6. Bad Girls will say NO


Most guys will really get pissed when a girl takes a stand and puts her foot down when she isn’t into an idea. However, this behavior will make the guy take the girl more seriously. If you are the nice type of girl who is always warm and compromises a lot, you will be taken for granted and get walked all over. While it’s not always a good idea to say no, it’s nice to take a stand once in a while. If you are the type that lets your guy make all the decisions, then you are nothing close to what guys are salivating over.

5. Bad Girls create their own magic


Not having a fun weekend? Well, the bad girl always has something thrilling on her sleeves; she’s the exciting type who doesn’t want to waste any time sulking. Most bad girls will not wait for a guy to walk into her life to fix her problem, this is because she can be able to step into the real world and fix her own problems without any help. With or without the help of her drooling boyfriend. If you are the type of girl who needs a man to do anything, then you are not the bad girl type. It’s not too late to start.

4. Bad Girls are Super Confident


Men love this about bad girls. Bad girls are not cocky, but she’s also not the insecure one. She is the type of girl who will scare a man into trying to impress her more to get her attention. She is confident in everything that she does, and she’s respectful of that. Bad girls are go-getters and will stop at nothing to achieve what their hearts desire. If she doesn’t like you, she won’t waste her time trying to impress you. Men like it when they come easy, but they also like it when it takes a lot of effort to get something. The thrill of the hunt!

3. Bad girls are better in Bed


Well, this might come out rather bruising to the good girls but this might need clarification to understand. Some bad girls will look good in public but behind closed doors, they are vicious beasts. In this context, good girls are those who are good through and through, this is the kind of girl your mother wishes for in a daughter in law. These kinds of girls will never be good in bed because they are not adventurous. And while they might be giving and will want to please you, men get off on a woman’s pleasure. The good girls will fail because they can’t please themselves.

2. Bad girls are Heart Breakers


Well, no one likes to be heart broken, and especially when it puts your life to a standstill. While guys are slight masochists, they don’t enjoy pain but will enjoy when they are able to feel so much. Women have the ability to feel deeper levels of emotion than men, reason why heartbreaks are harder on women. Therefore, when a woman breaks a man’s heart, it emotionally scares him but doesn’t stop him; it just reminds him that he still lives. In a way, bad girls remind us that we are human. Although emotional pain sucks, men kind of like it.

1. Bad Girls are hard to figure out


Are you easy to figure out? Well, bad girls aren’t. In fact, they are the most unpredictable of women. Men love puzzles, and in case you are the easy type of girl to figure out, then they will get bored. While not all guys fancy mystery, most guys appreciate it. Bad girls are very mysterious in nature. They are elusive and secretive. It’s hard to catch them, and it might take a mountain to keep them. As much as it sounds stupid, men live for this. If it takes a simple text to figure you out, you might not be half as interesting for him to want you.


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