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‹ 15 Romantic Gestures That Women Actually Hate

13. Stop Winning Lots of Stuffed Animals at Fairs


Winning a stuffed animal during a date at a fair or carnival is sweet – for teenagers. This is a romantic gesture, but don’t try winning a big stuffed animal or lots of stuffed animals that she will carry around during your date because that can be annoying for her. She should be comfortable during your dates. Just be careful; men usually try really hard just to win that stuffed animal, making themselves seem a lot less cool in the process. This can be embarrassing, not just for the men, but for their dates, too. If you think you can’t really do it, don’t even try. Better yet, just take her to the Ferris wheel, which is a romantic way to have a conversation that is not too cheesy and just natural.

12. Unexpected Visit


A surprise visit to her house with breakfast and coffee can be really sweet, but not all the time. Sometimes, being an unexpected guest can be bad. People usually wake up in the morning with a planned schedule that involves important activities, such as work. Showing up unexpectedly can affect their schedule and the whole plan can be compromised. She has her own life and own hobbies that do not include a romantic moment with her partner, which means she needs privacy, alone time, or a day with her friends.

Always consider calling her before coming over to make sure she has no tight schedule. A surprise visit that she will truly appreciate is during special occasions or making up with her after a fight.

11. Surprise Visit in Shower!


If an unexpected visit at her house is already a bad manner, then how bad is it to join her in the shower? Yes, a woman does allow her partner to join her in the shower and that is normal especially if they are married and living together, but there are times that this can be so uncomfortable for her. She has her own life and a large percentage of her time is spent in the shower. Every woman has their own bathroom regimen – conditioning and treating her hair, moisturizing her skin from head to toe, and of course, shaving her legs. She can’t do that if her partner is lingering near her, inside the shower. Men, do not join her unless she asked you too. You don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.

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