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15 Scientifically Proven Ways To Relieve Stress

15 Scientifically Proven Ways To Relieve Stress


When you’re overly anxious or stressed out, your mind begins to run miles and it gets difficult to think clearly. The best way to relieve this is to slow things down and simplify what you’re doing as much as possible so that you can better cope with your situation. A panic attack is what happens when you let your anxieties spiral out of control. Basically, you let one worry lead to the next and suddenly you’re spinning out of control. Instead, you want to get off the worry cycle as soon as you can. This means that as soon as you feel yourself stressing out over something, make sure that you counter it with one of the relaxing activities listed. These are scientifically proven and effective activities that anyone can do without spending too much money.

Stressed people especially need to take care of themselves by spending some quality time each day to do something relaxing. They literally must pencil in undisrupted relaxation time into their schedules. Taking care of yourself is so important because it’s the only way you can manage to take care of the rest of your priorities. How can an empty cup nourish others? This is what is meant by mind, soul, and body health.

15. Watch TV or a Movie


Doing something that gets your mind off your situation like watching TV is a great stress reliever because you don’t have to put much effort into it. The only effort on your part is to actually pay attention to the show you’re watching and really get interested in it. Make sure you’re not dwelling on other things while you’re doing this or else it will totally defeat the purpose. And don’t just watch any TV show or movie, but make sure it’s something boring, like a long ongoing TV series or dull drama. No nightly news or anything that might stress you out even more. Save the news for your morning routine.

14. Read a Book


Reading a book is great depending on whether or not you enjoy reading. If you already aren’t much of a reader, or if you have a touch of ADHD, then reading a book might not work for you because it takes extra effort to stay attentive. Otherwise, reading a great way to clear your mind and really hone into something outside of your own problems and situation. Reading really allows you to step into another world and imagine life from someone else’s perspective. Also, if you’re reading at night, make sure you’re warm, comfortably seated, and that the lighting isn’t too bright.

13. Daydream


Anything that gets you into a daydreaming mode is excellent for slowing down your heart rate and relieving stress. You can start off with reading a book or watching a movie and then gradually and simultaneously go in and out of daydreaming. Daydreaming is an excellent way to mentally get out of your stressful environment. You could be having the worst day yet look forward to your down time when you will have the opportunity to daydream. And the best thing about this particular method is that you can even do it while you’re in the midst of a stressful situation. It’s often said that daydreamers are the happiest people.

12. Sip Some Tea


Not all teas are calming, but the generally safe ones to stick with include chamomile, lemon balm, and passion flower. Especially if it’s in the evening and you’re getting ready to watch a boring movie or read a long book, you’ll want to pair your activities with a warm mug of tea (avoid adding too much sugar). Teas are extremely soothing for the stomach and there’s a strong scientific correlation between the gut and mental health. This is why many people find chamomile tea effective for helping them fall asleep (not a good option if you’re getting ready to give a speech).

11. Get a Massage


You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get a luxurious massage every time you’re under stress. There are extremely effective and affordable shiatsu massaging machines that can achieve similar results. When you’re stressed or anxious, your muscles begin to tense up and your body starts to stiffen. What you’ll want to do is get rid of those knots by using a back massager or having your spouse assist you in physically massaging them out. You’ll start to feel looser and more relaxed and most importantly, you’ll also begin to realize that you have the power to reduce your stress.

10. Talk it Out


Get a girlfriend, mom, or sibling on the phone and have a good heart-to-heart conversation. You don’t even need to talk about whatever issues you’re going through. Just talk about life in general, laugh about ridiculous things, reminisce about the good times, etc. However, make it a point to avoid getting into any petty arguments or heated debates that will add to your stress. The point of the conversation is to come out of it feeling good. Healthy relationships can truly be therapeutic and, vice-versa, good conversations can help build healthy relationships. You don’t have to pay a therapist to help you feel better.

9. Get Groovin’


Music is a universal feel-good language. It is scientifically proven that repetitive beats and tones (hence, music) are extremely calming and therapeutic for the mind. This is why therapists often recommend listening to binaural tracks and beats (you can find lots of these on YouTube). But it doesn’t have to be complicated. Just listen to any kind of music you like because those are the best songs that suit your personal needs. However, if you find that a particular song is fueling your anxiety, change it and listen to instrumentals that don’t have words like classical, relaxing, or nature music. Try to clear your mind, relax, and focus on enjoying the music instead.

8. Get Physical


No fist fights, please. Just like newborns love to be held closely, we all find a little bit of comfort and security in being held. Sometimes all it takes is a cuddle, so get a warm blanket and snuggle your stress away with your loved one. This is why some (desperate) people will pay big bucks to be held by professional cuddlers who cuddle for money. Don’t rush through your cuddling session either. So the next time your spouse asks for some physical touch, don’t be too quick to brush it aside. You never know what they might be going through that you can really help relieve.

7. Walk it Out


Go outside and enjoy the fresh air. You don’t need to make it an intense hike unless you find hiking to be calming. Just a simple stroll will do. Don’t get your heart rate increasing too much, but make it a nice way to walk off some stress. Even better – take a walk with a friend or while listening to some feel-good music. Also, don’t take a walk too close to bedtime. The best time to take a walk is bright and early in the morning. It’s a great way to produce natural serotonin in your brain and also gives you some morning sunlight and a boost of energy.

6. Put the Phone Down


When you’re stressed and anxious, going on your smartphone is actually a bad idea. The blue light will keep you wired and get your adrenaline going versus calming your mind and body down. If you must go online or get something done, going on a computer or laptop are a better option. Invest in a cheap pair of blue-light resistant glasses. Also, be sure to turn on any night shift modes that your devices come with if you’re using technology late in the evening. Overall, keep your use of technological devices limited and enjoy other simple activities instead. Even watching TV is a much better alternative.

5. Craft it Out


Doing a light and easy crafting project like painting, sketching, or sewing are all great ways to relieve stress. If you’re new to crafting, start simply by purchasing just a few simple objects (or just use what you have). Don’t stress yourself out about becoming a Picasso or about making exhibit-worthy pieces. The point of a hobby is that it’s something you just get pleasure out of doing whether or not you make a profit from it. Also, be sure to stick to one or two hobbies instead of juggling several. If you have too many activities to choose from, you won’t find any real satisfaction from them.

4. Take a Course


Not a chemistry class or something that you’ll have to study long hours for. Instead, take a short term course for leisure such as baking, piano, or even Tai Chi. Being committed to a course is a great way to remove yourself from your stressful situations and focus on something else. Whether or not you love it, you’ll learn something new! And it’s even better if you can make a new friend or two as well who aren’t familiar with your work or personal life. You may not have a blast on the first day, or might not make new friends right away, but stick the course out and have a positive mindset.

3. Simplify Your Schedule


You don’t have to do it all, especially when you’re already stressed. Acknowledge the things that can wait and cross them off your to-do list. Make a few exceptions to order takeout instead of prepping a huge meal. Save the dishes for later if you’re exhausted and ready to crash. Take that nap because you need time to recuperate. What’s most important is that you simplify your schedule as much as possible so that it’s manageable. Give yourself enough time in your day to transition from one activity to the next (not just physically but also mentally). And most importantly, admit that you’re not a superhero.

2. Munch on Dark Chocolate


It’s scientifically proven that dark chocolate can lower your levels of stress hormones. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should devour a whole box in one sitting. Instead, invest in some quality dark chocolates and literally eat your troubles away. And don’t go cheap. Get the good kind that you’ll actually savor. Chocolate is a natural mood-lifter, sometimes called the “love drug” and works like serotonin to get all of the good chemicals flowing to your brown. But the best part is it’s not a drug and it’s super affordable. It’s also proven to lower high blood pressure and relieve tension.

1. Count Your Blessings


Sounds cheesy but it works. Instead of focusing on the negative, think about all of the positive things and write them down. If it helps, go through an old photo album and reflect on good memories. In psychology, it is known that the elderly go through a phase of either regret or gratitude. Those who look back on their lives with despair live in bitterness, but those who can reflect on their lives positively approach the end of their lives with peace and wisdom. You can take this fact in stride and implement it in your life today on a regular basis.

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