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‹ 15 Secrets All Women Keep From Men

13. Romance Novels



It’s no secret that reading books has its benefits. According to studies, reading fictional stories can increase a person’s emotional intelligence and empathy. As such, women will have no qualms talking about the fictional book she’s reading.

However, women would rather keep their mouths closed if they are reading romance novels. Some of these romance books feature wholesome content, other titles don’t. In fact, some romance novels can get quite steamy.

Maybe women fear being judged by the kind of book they are reading. Hence, they’d rather not let you know that they are reading 50 Shades of Grey or some other similar titles.

If your woman does read romance novels, don’t make fun of her. If you’re lucky, your girl might learn new tricks from the book and study them with you in the bedroom

12. Your New Haircut

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They say that the hair is a woman’s crowning glory. The same could be said for guys, right? After all, a great haircut can certainly boost a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence. This is probably why people feel so much better after having a new hair do!

However, imagine getting a really bad haircut. How would you feel? It might feel worse if your partner told you just how bad your new ‘do is. Hence, some girls would rather keep their opinion to themselves, instead of risking the possibility of getting your feelings hurt.

Would you rather know that your haircut sucks or would it be better for your girl to pretend that you’re rocking your new hairstyle.

11. Comparisons with the Ex



Not all relationships are made equal. Some relationships seem like they are plucked right out of a fairytale, while others could feel like your worst nightmare. However, relationships aren’t always perfect. There will always be moments when some arguments arise. Sometimes, these arguments cause some girls to compare their current partners with their previous boyfriends.

Getting compared to the ex could be frustrating. However, this doesn’t mean your girl wants to get back with her former flame. She just can’t help thinking and comparing how her ex would have handled situation.

Remember, you got her now. It’s your and your woman’s responsibility to take care of each other and to make the relationship work

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