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15 Simple Things About Android That iPhone Users Are Too Stupid To Understand

15 Simple Things About Android That iPhone Users Are Too Stupid To Understand

Android and iOS are two mobile operating systems that we are all aware of. These two operating systems are in competition with each other and there can only be one winner. No doubt that the guys at Apple have stepped up their game this year introducing wireless charging and high-def OLED screen but at the same time, Android has also refined their phones and gave us a far better feature and value combination than Apple’s limited iPhone lineup.

Apple and Android have been at war with each other for at least a decade now for the control of the smartphone and tablet market. Traditionally, the iOS sales have always beaten those of Android but in recent years, there has been a remarkable shift in the marketplace and it seems that Android is catching up to what Apple has to offer. In fact, there are so many simple things that Android has been doing better but the iPhone users simply aren’t willing to agree. In hopes that we might get a few of them to realize the truth, we have put together a list of 15 things about Android that are quite simple but iPhone users are too stupid to understand.

15. The Value


If you want a new iPhone, please know that you have to break the bank. You have eight options currently if you want to buy a new iPhone. First is the iPhone SE which starts at $349 and is the cheapest out of all the current offerings by Apple. Next come the iPhone 6S and 7 which start at $449 and $549 respectively. Finally, we have the latest entries in the line up i.e. the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, both of which start at $699 and $999 respectively.

While the iPhone SE may seem like a bargain as opposed to the other iPhones, you can still get a far better android smartphone for less than $349 with a bigger screen and better features. There are more than half a dozen Android phones that cost less and have far better functionality than Apple, proving that they’re a much better value.

14. Headphone Jack


Music is an important and vital part in the life of most individuals. Whether it be when going for a jog or laying in bed listening to your favorite audiobook, the fact remains that we cherish our headphones.

Keeping in mind the fact that Apple has made the choice to remove the standard 3.5mm audio jack which previously allowed users to connect a standard pair of headphones, you will now have to use a dongle or connect Bluetooth headphones and even worse, buy a wired headset from a company that uses their lightning connector. However, most of the standard headphones use the 3.5mm connector and Android still has that even in most of the latest models which puts Apple at a disadvantage here. Android users can simply connect a standard pair of headphone after which they’ll be good to go.

13. Easily Accessible File System


Now, if you want to transfer files from your Apple device to your home computer, you have to go through a bunch of different steps. First, you must download iTunes, register online and pay for a bunch of stuff only to find out that you can only transfer multimedia files.

On the other hand, Android allows you to use that “drag and drop” option that we all know and love. You only have to attach your Android device to your laptop or computer and it pops open a window that allows you to transfer multimedia and documents. It acts as an external drive while the Apple device only lets you transfer pictures back and forth.

12. The Back Button


The Android back button provides users with a very easy method to move across apps. It lets you shift between apps and when you want to go back it takes you back to your desired place. If you are using Facebook and ended up opening a link that accessed the Chrome browser, simply tapping the back button will take you back to where you were on Facebook.

Unfortunately, Apple devices do not have a universal back button. Some apps on the iPhone do have back buttons but a universal one still doesn’t exist. Well, you have to agree that Android is more tech-savvy here than Apple because lets face it, it’s Google.

11. Multiple Login Options


When it comes to Android, users have a huge number of options to choose from when unlocking their phones. Starting with the iPhone 5S, Apple has continued to implement the touch fingerprint recognition as a method for unlocking their devices. This was also implemented in the iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and 8.

On the other hand, most Android handsets offer their users multiple authentication options to choose from. These include a number of technologies like facial recognition, retinal scan, fingerprint recognition, passwords, and patterns. Facial recognition has been introduced by Apple for the very first time on the iPhone X, however, it has also resulted in the removal of the fingerprint scanner from the phone, further limiting the options that iPhone users can enjoy.

10. Android Apps Can Be Discovered Easily


Here’s something that you might not have thought about in the Google Play vs Apple App Store debate: when you scan for an application, you’re to some degree more inclined to discover what you’re searching for in the Google Play Store than the Apple App Store. Allow us to explain why. You see, the Google Play Store runs your search inquiries through essentially all of the literary data accessible on an application’s page. For instance, you could look through the Play Store utilizing a progression of catchphrases or an expression and the Play Store would check even the descriptions of applications to discover ones that most nearly take after your question.

By correlation, the Apple App Store thinks about your question against the catchphrases that the developers themselves enter into a watchword segment, which exists particularly for this reason. This isn’t an issue if your inquiry happens to be one of the watchwords for your specific application, however, in the event that you’re seeking something that is more particular, you may have a harder time finding the iOS application that fits your needs.

9. The Ability To Customize


You can customize an Android to basically look like whatever you want. This is important since nowadays a phone is an extension of your personality. Android gives you many options to add widgets and functions that Apple fails to deliver unless you jailbreak your iPhone.

Android also offers applications such as launchers for download in the Play Store that can completely transform your phone. They can also delete much of the bloatware that comes preinstalled from the phone manufacturer. The next step is to basically put an entirely new and customized version of the Android OS which allows you to change every onscreen aspect of your phone, from the wallpaper to the keyboard, the options are endless. You can truly tweak your device to your heart’s desire if you have an Android but sadly, Apple users have no such luck in this area.

8. No iTunes Needed


If you feel like transferring your favorite music from your computer to your iPhone then simply forget about it unless you download and setup iTunes first. Android devices have no such dependency on them. All you need to do is connect your device to your laptop or computer and viola, you can easily transfer all sorts of files.

Android also allows users to download music from third-party websites, a feature that is not available on the iPhone. Android does not need iTunes as it has many more options for purchasing content other than movies. Many services are now expanding to support Android which allows users to download not only music but also movies, TV shows, games and much more. Heck, it even allows them to download iTunes for Android now.

7. Support For Micro SD Cards


One of the most common things that we get to hear from many of our friends who are apple users is that they’ve run out of storage on their phone. Luckily for Android users, this is no problem at all. In the event that you need more inward stockpiling on your Apple gadgets, you either need to backup all of your data on the Cloud or change your device and get a new one with more storage. Apple gadgets don’t give you the alternative to extend with a microSD card.

In any case, a large number of Android cell phones come outfitted with a microSD card out of the box. The price difference between a 32 GB iPhone 7 and the 256 GB version is almost 200$. Compare that to the SanDisk Ultra 200 GB microSD card which comes in just at 75$. Even better is the fact that you can go out and get exactly the amount of storage that you require with a MicroSD card. For example, SanDisk microSD cards come in 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 200, and 256 GB storage capacities. So, in the event that you simply require an additional 64 GB, you would just need to pay 20$.

6. Those Removable Batteries


Almost everyone is aware of the fact that iPhones come with built-in batteries that cannot be removed. At the point when your iPhone has aged and won’t hold a charge anymore, you must choose the option to delete all data or get a new phone altogether.

With Android, many phones like the LG G5 have removable batteries, so you can swap them out for a spare one without skipping a beat. That means that you do not have to go out and buy a new phone just because the battery isn’t useful anymore because we all know that buying a new iPhone is never easy considering how expensive they are.

5. Improved Implementation Of Google Maps


Nowadays you cannot get anywhere without the help of maps. Apple and Android both have this service but the flaw with the Apple Maps is that it had a fair amount of problems when it was first launched and while many of those issues have been fixed, it still has a tendency to send users along some very weird routes quite often.

One can download Google Maps on their iPhone too but Siri insists on using Apple <aps. That can get annoying pretty quickly. On the other hand, Google maps have been integrated into the Android phones and they offer an excellent view of cities and streets while also working flawlessly with some of the other apps by Google. You can also use alternate mapping services but once you have Google why would you even want to use another service?!

4. Google Now Vs Siri


Yes, granted that Siri is useful and especially now when it connects to multiple third-party apps, however, it doesn’t even come close to the functionality of Google Now and it’s connectivity. On many Android devices you can simply say ‘okay Google’ and wake up your device without even touching it which, to be honest, is a pretty cool feature if you ask us.

Users can also customize which applications Google Now is supposed to use for a particular activity. If you want to listen to a song and you give the command, it won’t only open Google Play, instead, it can be set to launch Spotify or even YouTube on command. To be honest, whether Google Now is better or Siri is a pretty subjective matter but if you ask us, Google Now does exactly what is what we like in our virtual assistants.

3. Multitasking At Its Finest


On an Apple iPhone, we only do one thing at a time because the devices are not able to provide efficient multitasking while on an Android phone you can chat, read a document, and watch content at the same time with ease and efficiency.

This means that you can work on multiple things simultaneously which quite honestly, sounds very appealing. On a small screen, it is understood that there are limits but not on an Android phone. Apple does not allow two apps to run simultaneously, although this feature has been added to iPad but it is still not available for iPhone users which is very disheartening considering the amount of money they have to spend when buying their Apple devices.

2. More Innovative Features


Bugs, lag, a terrible interface, an absence of applications – Android’s shortcomings have been methodically managed by a decided improvement group. The current Android versions are almost unrecognizable when compared to when it first came out and it keeps on improving and developing at a much faster pace than the opposition.

The huge client base and the extensive variety of makers creating Android gadgets can just drive advance enhancements to more noteworthy statures. While iOS stagnates, deadened by the “in the event that it isn’t broke don’t fix it” school of considering, Android keeps on advancing and enhancing at a speedier rate. Consider this, Android was the first to embrace NFC and then later retina scanners. The list of technologies that Android has offered before Apple simply goes on and on.

1. More Durability


Most Android phones are known to offer fantastic sturdiness when it comes to their body. They are made out of strong aluminum alongside the glass front and back. Because of this, they can withstand some of the craziest drops.

On the other hand, once you drop an iPhone, prepare to say goodbye to your device. It is highly likely that you will have to invest in a new phone or at least spend a hefty amount in getting it fixed. Apple phones maybe the prettiest looking things on the market but when it comes to durability they fail the test miserably. This comes as a drawback considering the hefty amount Apple charges its customers.

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