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‹ 15 Strange Things Mysteriously Found Frozen In Ice

13. Disturbing Message in a Frozen Bottle


A geologist by the name of Paul T. Walker decided to take to proving the melting of glaciers. He put a note in a bottle, and buried it underneath rocks near a glacier in 1959. The note in the bottle instructed the finder to measure the distant from the bottle to the edge of the glacier. In 2013 two researchers uncovered the bottle encased in ice. The two decided to follow Walker’s instructions.

The disturbing findings revealed that the glacier retracted itself over 200 feet since Walker wrote the note not even five decades later. This proves that Walker was barking up the right tree, and proves that global warming is real, and it’s an issue that is acting fast. If someone from the 50’s could have proved global warming’s existence back then, then the amount of evidence we have now, there is no reason not to be worrying about this phenomena.

12. Oxymoron of a Lifetime: Frozen Volcano


Many people have seen the wonders that cold weather can do, for example coating the ground in a white wonderland. However, have you ever thought of the things cold weather can freeze? Chances are volcanos aren’t something people often thing of. These formations aren’t technically inactive volcanos freezing over, but ice has unique ways of forming icy structures that resemble volcanoes.

The immense change in temperature, when the ground freezes over, then melts, can be enough to form the ground into strange formations. A plain in China is home to some of these nature made structures. The fairly flat land is interrupted by the perturbing hills that are produced from these icy conditions. These structures are created from the pressure of the water being frozen, and in turn jut out volcano like structures out of the ground. It’s one of natures strangest phenomenas.

11. Deadly Disease Makes a Comeback


The Siberia is known for many things being frozen under it’s harsh conditions, this sometimes includes bodies. Many of the bodies buried here were put there by people who were diseased with ancient sicknesses, that didn’t want it to spread. These diseases may be making a comeback as more, and more bodies are being discovered, who were suffering from the disease. Due to the cold climate it keeps the bodies in good condition, and even sometimes maintaining the disease.

A body was found in a river that thawed in Siberia, and it was taken to a nearby quarantined hospital. Luckily researchers took the proper precautions so the disease, smallpox, couldn’t spread. Many people near the area of Siberia have a fear of the once deadly disease known as smallpox making a return. This goes to show how many bodies were buried in Siberia due to the disease. We can hope that no more bodies will have to be buried there due to this deadly disease.

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