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15 Things Girls Think About When They’re “On The Bottom”

15 Things Girls Think About When They’re “On The Bottom”

Who doesn’t love the missionary position? When the guy’s on top and the girl’s on bottom, there’s nothing better. It is a standard position, and it comes in handy when you’re not feeling overly creative in the bedroom. Not only that, but it also adds a little comfort to a relationship. It’s generally the position we start off at during the first time with a new partner, and it helps two people really understand their partner’s body better. In most cases, the position changes to enhance the experience, and oftentimes, later in a relationship, this position can be taken out of the routine altogether, but remember that it’s still in your arsenal, and going back to the missionary position can be a great way to mix things up later in the relationship.

While you may not wonder what your girl is thinking about while you’re in the act, you may start to ponder her thoughts after the fact. Every woman is different, of course, and there are many variations to what you will see on this list, but there are some pretty common thoughts among women when they are on bottom. So, without further explanation, here is what your girl is thinking about when you are pumping away on top.

15. “Not Sure What To Do”

Via: OkChicas

Even the most experienced woman can be a little thrown back by the missionary position, and when the guy takes over (don’t get me wrong, we like it), we don’t necessarily know what’s expected of us. While we can work our cores and thrust upward while your getting in there, we aren’t always 100% sure that is what you’re looking for in this situation. Do you want us to work with you? Do you want us to be submissive? How would you like our legs to be positioned? While this isn’t as common of a thought for most women (especially those who have previous experience with you as a sexual partner), it is a thought that crosses our minds from time to time.

14. “I Can’t Breathe”

Via: Quickmeme

Dudes, seriously…we know you get tired, and we get that being on top is a lot of work, and takes a lot of muscle. However, there are times, when you let up on your pumping plank position, and relax into our stomachs and on our chests. This pressure can make it pretty difficult to breathe. Sometimes, you think that’s hot and assume we’re just having a laboured breathing experience because you’re so awesome in bed. Maybe that is what’s happening…but please be sure to check that you aren’t pushing into our diaphragms, and inhibiting us from breathing properly.

13. “What’s He Doing With That?”

The great thing about the missionary position is the fact that there are so many variations. Simply changing the angle of your thrust can be a pleasant surprise for a woman. So, when it comes to changing things up in missionary position, women think this thought on two occasions. First, when it doesn’t feel like anything spectacular, we think this because we’re looking for the best possible way to get you to change back to what you were doing before. Second, we think this, because what you’re doing is freakin’ awesome, and we want to take note of the position, the angle, and thrust speed so we can make sure you do that again.

12. “His Sweat Is Dripping On Me”

Sweaty, crazy love making is pretty hot. Women aren’t necessarily grossed out by the fact that you sweat…even if it can get a little stinky. When we are on the bottom, however, it is much more apparent that you’re sweating, especially if that sweat is dripping on us, and when it drips, we think about it. We know you can’t help it, and we’re probably sweating too (just kidding, women don’t sweat, we glisten), but we are aware of it. It’s really only gross if that sweat hits our faces, and oftentimes that isn’t the case, unless you’re like 2 feet taller than your girl.

11. “How Do I Flip Him Over?”

A lot of women love the missionary position. It’s a nice little break for us. However, if one of our legs cramps (we’ll get to that), or if there is too much sweat dripping on us, or if we are just looking for a little change, we will ask ourselves how to flip a guy over. When this happens, your girl is becoming aware of where every limb is, and calculating the best way to signal that it’s her turn to be on top. If you’re lucky, she’ll just tell you it’s her turn to be on top, but if not, be on the lookout for signals that include your girl pushing one shoulder, and/or twisting her hips toward the direction with the most space on the bed.

10. “My Thigh Is Cramping”

There are many variations of this one, and they all include some kind of twisted pain from the position. Missionary position can last a long time, and even if you’re changing things up a bit, muscle cramps can occur quite often. When they do happen, they can become so uncomfortable that your girl might start to lose the joy factor in the experience, and this can take her out of the game completely. Now, hopefully, you have a girl who will tell you when a leg cramp occurs, but if you don’t, be sure to always check your girl’s face and body language for any signs of discomfort.

9. “Seriously, I Didn’t Even Know That Muscle Was There”

If your girl doesn’t tell you right away that she has a leg cramp, it could be very detrimental to the entire experience. If you aren’t reading her body language or noticing changes in her levels of joy, she will soon only feel the cramp or discomfort, and start thinking about it more than she’s thinking about how good of a lover you are. Gentlemen, leg cramps during sex are no joke for women, and they are incredibly painful. Be open with your partner, so both of you can have the ultimate sexual experience no matter what position you’re in.

8. “I Really Need To Do More Yoga!”

Alright, this one goes along with those leg cramps I was just talking about, but women can have these thoughts when they’re in any sexual position that requires them to stretch areas of their body that they normally wouldn’t even think of. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a cramp; it could be just a pulling sensation on a leg muscle that makes her think about this. Sometimes, doing stretches before you jump into the act can be a wonderful source of foreplay that the two of you didn’t previously think about–it’s definitely something worth trying, and that kind of foreplay can get her all sortsa excited while she imagines what you’re about to do to her.

7. “Wow, Why Didn’t He Try This Before?”

If you vary your missionary position multiple times mid swing, it could throw your girl off a little bit. Just like when she thinks about what you’re doing in number 13, she will wonder based on how much or how little pleasure she experiences when you do it. The second time your girl thinks this thought, she is not only taking note, but she may be calculating how to get you to go back to what you were doing before. When a woman asks herself “Why didn’t he try this before?” she is thinking about how to describe it to you so you can return to that method and make her happy over and over again. 

6. “Did I Turn Off The Stove?”

Surprise, gentlemen! Women aren’t always just thinking about how big your appendage is or how you work it. Sometimes during sex, our minds go to some weird ass places, and we can’t always control it. Did the dogs get fed? Did I finish my proposal for my meeting tomorrow? Did I turn the stove off. Sorry, guys, sometimes your awesome lovemaking skills aren’t going to stop our minds from scattering into the wind while you’re giving it to us. It’s an unfortunate side effect of being responsible, and I’m sure you think about that stuff too, but luckily for you (and her) when she thinks about these things, it doesn’t necessarily ruin the moment completely.

5. “Alright… I’ll Just Move My Own Leg”

When a woman has been giving you signals for a variation in position for some time, and you are completely oblivious to it, she’ll probably just let out a sigh in her mind, and change the position herself. When we think this, it isn’t necessarily that we’re frustrated with you as a lover, it could just mean that we want to take a little charge or help you out a little bit when it comes to the angle that you’re working with. It is important to avoid being butthurt when something like this happens. Remember, the sexual experience is about mutual satisfactions… I mean, you should get an ego boost when you’re pleasing your girl.

4. “YAY! He Found My “Spot””

The missionary position can, for some women, be a position that makes it difficult for their men to find their special “spot” quickly and efficiently. This is the reason that most long-term couples abandon the position later in their relationships. However, if you are talented enough to hit that spot in this position (depending on the variation you’re using), you will know it based on the sounds she makes. If this does occur, make sure you take note of everything that is happening when you hit it: angle, pressure, speed, leg position… everything.

3. “Next Time, We’re Putting A Pillow Here”

Couples who are open to talking about their sexual wants and needs know that it’s common to evaluate the different positions they try, and analyze how they worked and how they didn’t work. This holds true for the missionary position, and can lead to some mental notes on the woman’s behalf during the act. It’s not always a bad thing when your girl says, “Let’s try it this way this time.” It actually means that she’s come up with a way to make sex for both of you even better than it already is. And who could complain about that?

2. “I Wonder If He Has Any Other Moves?”

If this is the first time two people are together, and you begin in the missionary position, and you don’t change things up just a little bit or avoid experimenting with speed and angle, it could be a little underwhelming for the woman. When a woman is thinking “I wonder if he has any other moves,” she’s not necessarily bored, but she could just be concerned that sex with you might get boring. So, be sure to change things up, even if you like being on top. Keep those variations coming, and take note of which variations she likes better than others… it’s the only way to keep things interesting in the missionary position.

1. “YAY! I Get To Be On The Bottom”

Being on top in any sexual position takes a lot of work. It can hurt the knees, and put horrible pressure on your back and shoulders. You know this, guys, and so do women. That’s why it can be a relief, and (sometimes) pretty awesome when you hit the missionary position, and the girl doesn’t have to worry (too much) about the angle. Now, most women will work it from the bottom, and that does take different groups to ensure both partners are satisfied with the results, but when your girl is on bottom, there is a lot less pressure on the joints and in the muscle groups that are commonly affected when she’s on top.

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