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‹ 15 Things She’s Into According To Her Birth Month

13. Being in a Relationship


Everyone should love the idea of being in a relationship and spending their life with someone else. This is not always the case. People born in February are obsessed with being in a relationship. They are so obsessed that they take relationships very seriously. Maybe the obsession has to do with the fact that she is born in the month of Valentines’ Day. So don’t be offended when she gets upset that you did not put effort into a gift or dinner. If you’re taking her to dinner, because she is a romantic, get her flowers and candlelights. When someone born in this month finds the one, she does everything to hold on to him, just like people born in July who also have a tendency to value all the relationships they have whether romantic or not romantic.

12. Getting Her Way


There is a difference between being spoiled and wanting to get your way. Some women balance the two really well. When they want to get their way, they may pull out all the stops and work really hard for it. Women born in March have a tendency to want to get things done their way and to get their way all the time. This is why they are often described as being the month that has the most leaders. It is probably their tendency to want to get their own way that makes them super controlling. People born in April also have this drive, which is not very surprising as they too are controlling. However, when they set their mind to do something, it is then that they go at it to ensure that they achieve their goals.

11. Serving others


This is actually a good thing to be into. Service to others is actually a good trait to possess. People who like to serve others tend to be very generous and are always willing to give their time and talent. People born in the months of March, April, June, August, November and December fit the bill of generosity. November and December are not surprising months for people who are generous and like to serve others. They are the months of Thanksgiving and Christmas, so it would be disappointing if people born in those months were not generous. People born in August are either very generous or not generous at all. If this is an important trait to you, then get a partner who is born in one of these months.

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