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15 Things You Should NEVER Reveal About Yourself At Work

15 Things You Should NEVER Reveal About Yourself At Work


If you’re a natural extrovert like myself and most of the world around us, you probably find it difficult to withhold yourself from sharing too much information about yourself. This is probably why it’s not difficult for you to bond with random strangers and form close relationships overnight. This can be a very good quality to have in so many situations, but definitely not at work.

In the professional space, you have to be much more cautious about how much information you share and what you share. If you’re also anything like me, you’re probably also afraid to admit that you’re super sensitive and easily offended (most extroverts are). This is why you want to avoid having to learn these lessons the hard way. Instead, etch the following fifteen things in your mind and remember to never reveal any of them at work, even in your most vulnerable moments.

Your success as an extrovert in the work place will largely depend on your ability to balance out networking and professionalism. You’re a natural at the former and the latter will require some work, but that’s okay. No one’s perfect and as extroverts, we know this better than anyone. And if you’re introverted, this list also applies to you although you probably would be less prone to slip.

15. The Real Reason Why You’re Taking Time Off


Everyone needs to take a day off every so often. And if you just need a day to relax from all the stress you’re enduring, then take it (as long as you have the PTO). But if you’ve already made up some lame excuse about why you’re taking a day off, then you don’t want to let anyone else know that you actually lied to just lounge around. It just makes you look like… well, a liar. Instead, just be completely upfront about it next time. Mental health is totally a legitimate reason for using a sick day. And if you’re taking off to go see a concert with your college roommate, then be upfront about that as well. It might be better received than you think.

14. That You Hate it There


This is a sure-fire way to get labeled as the company lunatic. You know, the one who’s just faking it to make it but actually has a million grudges. Over time, even your work friends will start to distance themselves from you because no one wants to be associated with a Debbie Downer. Once they start treating you differently, you might begin to develop even more work-related anxieties. Instead, keeping your true feelings a secret might actually make them go away over time, which would be a great thing. You never know when your feelings might change and you might actually start to love it there.

13. Your Salary


Revealing your salary to anyone is never a good idea whether it’s the janitor or your favorite lunch buddy. It doesn’t matter if you might make more or less than the other person, take this secret with you to the grave. In fact, the only people who should know your salary are your spouse, your boss who hired you, and the HR personnel responsible for processing your employee paperwork. People begin to think all kinds of thoughts when they hear someone else’s salary and they’re usually negative. That’s why it’s a huge violation when someone else reveals your salary without your authorization.

12. Your Health Issues


Save this subject for your family. Your boss and co-workers are NOT your family. It doesn’t matter how much you might bond over a late night beer at the bar. Even if you’re wasted, you should never reveal that you have an upcoming surgery or that you’re dependent on prescription drugs to get you through the day. On the outside, they will seem genuinely sympathetic but remember, they’re not your family. In reality, they’re more worried about how to handle your work load in case you end up taking a sudden disability leave. There’s no better way to encourage them to start preparing for your replacement.

11. That You Want Someone Else’s Job


Everyone at some point in time contemplates doing someone else’s job, especially if it’s a manger-level position. However, if you have a particular person in mind whose job you’d like to snatch, please don’t ever let anyone know, especially not that person. You’ll just come across as sneaking and untrustworthy. A better alternative is to innovate a completely new position within your department that you could evolve into. Many companies are very receiving of this tactic and encourage employees to initiate their own professional development. This way, you’re actually saving the company time and money from having to develop a professional track for you that you might not even be satisfied with.

10. Your Drinking & Partying Habits


No one ever knows how to handle a conversation where someone’s bragging about how much they drank or partied over the weekend and why they’re coming into work all hung over. Do you give them a fist pump and say, “That’s so rad,” or do you give them a fake giggle and quickly get back to work? The workplace is just an awkward environment for these kinds of conversations and, unless you’re a bartender or tattoo artist, it’s just unprofessional. Instead, if you’re just dying to share something that’s a little inappropriate, you’re better off posting it on social media during non-work hours.

9. Your Relationship Issues


It doesn’t hurt to share with your boss or coworkers the fact that you’re married or dating, living with a loved one, have a couple children, have one or two close friends, etc. These big details are all bound to leak sooner or later, especially if you have some endearing photos displayed on your desk. However, you should always refrain from talking about any relationship issues you have with people in or out of work. Negativity always rubs people the wrong way and you want to garner as much positive energy in the workplace as possible to balance out any other stressors. If you have a big ordeal that you need to share, seek out the support of a therapist or counselor who is professionally trained to help you sort through those issues.

8. That You’re Expecting (or Trying)


This is somewhat synonymous with sharing that you have a major health issue. You shouldn’t be ashamed at all of the fact that you’re a parent or trying to become one. No one should ever judge you for that (and it’s illegal), yet there are still plenty of people out there that would do just that. Especially if the other person doesn’t have any children of their own, sadly, the majority of the population still view parenting as a hindrance to work performance whether you’re male or female. Instead, let others figure it out for themselves that you’re expecting once you get to the obvious stage. This will make the process less stressful for you.

7. Who You Can’t Stand


You don’t want to become the company gossiper. You never know how any of your negative feelings towards someone might be misrepresented or become the object of a bad game of Telephone. Before you know it, even the shortest statement you could have made about someone will spread like a wildfire and it’ll be too late. The workplace just isn’t a good environment for gossiping, especially if you’re trying to get that promotion or raise. You don’t want anything working against you and making you look like a bad team player. Instead, if you really have some strong ill feelings towards a boss or co-worker, turn to your trusted companions outside of work.

6. Your Real Feelings About the Company


This is a tough one, especially if you’ve been with the company for over ten years and you know its dirtiest secrets. Even if this is the case, you never know if the person you’re talking to might actually have a strong devotion to the company and you’ve now tarnished their perspective. Just because you’re a rotten apple doesn’t mean you need to spoil the rest of the batch. Also, be cautious about what you’re sharing and who you’re sharing it with. Granted everyone has some cons to comment on (just look at Glass Door), but staying positive is easier when you’re not always commenting on all of the negatives.

5. Your Financial Issues


This is another awkward conversation topic. It’s awkward to hear that your co-worker is struggling to make ends meet or that he just lost hundreds in a gambling session. The workplace just isn’t the place to bond so deeply that you want to share your financial struggles. Also, the information can backfire on you and you might be seen as irresponsible. There are a lot of personal finance consultants and coaches out there that can help you better manage your finances. Otherwise, along with your salary, take these two pieces of information with you to the grave because it’s really no one else’s business.

4. The Real Reason Why You Left Your Last Job


I once was in a situation where me and another chick got hired to start on the same day as in-house copywriters. In the most awkward of situations, she revealed to me right in front of our direct supervisor that she left her last company because her previous boss had a terrible temper. Considering I’m far from the judgmental type, I normally wouldn’t care if anyone said this to me and would probably sympathize and open up as well. However, not a lot of people are like me and in fact, my supervisor was side-eyeing her and he did in in fact start treating her differently after the conversation.

3. Your Crush on a Coworker or Boss


You don’t want to become the creeper at work. Revealing a crush is never a good thing and you never know how someone might receive it. They might either be really flattered or totally prepared to report you to HR. Granted, there are numerous successful cases of co-workers hooking up, but it’s a really gray area. Feel out the situation that you’re in and make sure that you’re really prepared to deal with it if things don’t quite work out the way you’d hoped. Even if you just want to open up to another co-worker about your crush, be cautious of becoming the object of company gossip.

2. “No” – That You Can’t or Don’t Want to Do Something


This is the one word people hate to hear in the workplace, so use it sparingly and wisely. Turning down too many tasks or projects can give off the idea that you’re unwilling and lazy, or that you’re not a team player. Instead, you should always assess the situation and try to make it work before turning down an assignment. You never know how your willingness to step up to the plate might earn you a promotion or raise! If you’re always saying no, others will stop asking you to take on projects and you might actually miss out on an opportunity to really shine.

1. That You’re Applying for Other Jobs


This might seem like an obvious one but I’ve seen it happen far too many times where someone goes in for an interview and gets so overly confident that he/she reveals this to their workplace too soon and actually ends up without an offer on the table. All that person ends up with is an awkward vibe at work because now everyone knows how serious they are about leaving. It just gets messier if a year goes by and you’re still “stuck” in your position because now everyone knows you can’t get hired anywhere else. Also, you never know when your feelings might actually start to change about the company and you’ll feel like sticking around. To be safe, just keep your job hunting activities a secret.

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