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‹ 15 Top Reasons Why Women Want Insecure Guys

13. He smothers you with gifts

Pretty Woman


In the animal kingdom, the male species have been observed giving offerings to their intended mate. Be it dolphins, penguins, or monkeys, all these animals exhibit this behavior.

Humans more so, having greater capacity for deeper emotions, are the perfect example. It has been said that ever since men inhabited the Earth, men offer gifts to the women. Were these cavemen insecure beings who excessively spoil their partners? One can only speculate.

But one thing is for sure, insecure guys of the modern era, unsurprisingly, smother their women with gifts. It’s their way of showing how much they want their partner’s happiness to be satisfied.

Insecure guys study your likes and preferences just to give you the perfect gifts. Insecure guys will give you bags, watches, shoes, or diamonds (as they say are a girl’s best friend).

12. He asks for fashion advice and you get to go shopping with him

Serendipity movie


Insecure men are rarely sure if their fashion sense makes sense (if that makes sense).

They second guess themselves knowing a wrong choice of clothing can be embarrassing. Women love this type of men for two reasons. One, women love shopping and two, they get to have a life-sized Ken doll.

Secure men have a more definite sense of style who don’t need help with choosing clothes. In the case of insecure men, the couple gets to go to the mall together. The woman gets to choose exactly what she wants her man to wear. No more arguing between them over which shirt looks better. The girl gets to make the decision for the both of them.

Boy becomes fashionable, girl gets to dress up boy. Win-win.

11. Insecure about their body

Miley Cyrus Liam Hemsworth


Every man desires to have a strong physique, but not every man has the drive to go to the gym to work out.

The insecure guy compensates his self-doubt by working on his body. His uncertainty with his image gives him motivation to pump some iron to give him a confidence boost in the physical department.

Being insecure does have its perks; a gym session here, maybe a run or two there. He even asks you to go with him on his workouts for some bonding time.

It’s always a plus when he includes you in his plans. You get to spend more time with him as well.

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