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15 More Trail Cam Images That Are Super Bizarre

15 More Trail Cam Images That Are Super Bizarre

The forest is a completely different world than the concrete jungles in which most of us live. Except for the odd ATV or dirt bike, there is no traffic and the only noise that is usually heard is the rustling of leaves and branches as they are gently pushed around by the breeze. You can occasionally hear the wildlife calling out or the babbling of a nearby brook. A day in the woods can be thoroughly enjoyable and a great way to escape from the stresses of everyday life. The forest is also a place that is rife with many dangers and those that enter need to be aware. Depending on where you are, mountain lions, poisonous critters, and perilous terrain are just a few of the things that can cause a lot of problems. You definitely don’t want to find yourself between a mother bear and her cub and you absolutely want to avoid being spotted by a bull moose during mating season. You also need to keep your bearings because it’s quite easy to end up lost.

You also need to be aware that the woods are where hunters normally go, which means that a bullet or buckshot could be heading your way at any time. Thankfully, most hunters are sensible enough to distinguish a human from their prey. One of the ways that modern hunters track animals is by using trail cams. They set them up in different locations and monitor them for any signs of the animals they are hunting. They are sometimes shocked and confused by some of the images that appear on their trail cams. Let’s take a peek at 15 more trail cam images that will give people nightmares.

15. The Hunter Becomes the Hunted


The is an old adage that advises people to believe none of what they hear and only half of what they see. With so many photo enhancing programs out there these days, it’s actually hard to believe anything we see and this photo is a prime example. A hunter in North Dakota would have us believe that he shot himself an Elk and posed with it while a mountain lion lurked just a few feet behind him. He effectively created a truly nightmarish image that would be terrifying for anyone in his situation. It didn’t take long for keen-eyed Internet geeks to discover that the photo was a fake. The large menacing cat was proven to have been superimposed. It’s an impressive and truly scary forgery that fooled a whole lot of people.

14. Let’s Not Forget About Skinwalkers


There are loads of scary creatures that come from Native American mythology and the skinwalker is no exception. It is said that skinwalkers have the ability to transform into any animal at will. Judging by this photo which some believe to be that of the rarely-seen beast, it looks like they can transform into a combination of animals too. If you happen to spot one of these vicious-looking beings it is important that you do not lock eyes with it or it will take over your body. Don’t bother trying to outrun a skinwalker because they can move at an incredibly fast rate. According to Navajo legend, the best way to kill one of these suckers is to call out its human name. Hopefully, the one you run into will be wearing a name tag.

13. The Blonde in the Boonies


Under normal circumstances, the idea of some naked blonde chick creeping towards you in the middle of the night might be more of a fantasy than a nightmare. The blonde gal in this trail cam image definitely qualifies as the latter. She appears to have emerged from the thick brush and is in stealth mode as she creeps towards the camera and the oblivious deer in the foreground. The authenticity of this photo is not in doubt. There is no reason to believe that there is any trickery involved but it is quite likely staged. Either that or this specific spot in the woods is a particularly intense magnet for supernatural activity. Still, it is the type of image that is sure to give viewers a bit of a scare.

12. The Buck Stop Here


Here is another trail cam picture that features a couple of deer in the woods. The one in the foreground seems not to notice the little girl who is dressed in white behind it but the deer in the back certainly appears to acknowledge her presence. The little girl has a ghostly aura about her, which gives this photo a creepy feel to it. The truly amazing thing about this image is that the spooky girl in white is standing in almost the exact same spot as the blonde chick in the previous picture. Check out the backdrop. It’s the same. We know that there are a lot of deer in the area but we should also conclude that it’s also a hot spot for snapping photos that are intended to give you nightmares.

11. Bigfoot or Big Fraud?


This image was captured on a hunter’s trail cam somewhere in Minnesota. Naturally, some think that it is proof of Bigfoot’s existence while others see it as just another hoax. Those who insist that it is a hoax have a strong argument. The debate over whether or not this is Sasquatch or a man dressed up to look like it does not nullify the fact that coming across such a sight in the middle of the dark woods would scare the daylights out of most people. There have been a plethora of similar photos and other pieces of evidence brought forward that believers used in an attempt to prove that the Sasquatch is real. Unfortunately, most of the supporting evidence has been proven to be fraudulent and definitive proof is still lacking.

10. Another Weird Lady Freaks Us Out


Here we have another image of a sight that, in a lot of cases, most guys would be only too happy to see. However, there is something extremely spooky about this naked lady that was captured on a motion-sensor camera as she strolled across a grassy area in rural Virginia in July 2016. A Reddit user posted the photo and invited other users to debate the legitimacy of the image. Some users speculated that the image should have been in color as it was captured during daylight and other images from the video were in color. It’s also amazing how so many of these kinds of photos are so grainy. There is still no explanation as to what’s going on in this shot, but most of us can agree that the image is rather unsettling.

9. Don’t Even Ask…


One thing that seems to be quite prevalent in a lot of these pictures is deer. What is it with creepy entities and deer? Take this trail cam photo as another example. We clearly see a buck that appears to be making its way down a trail but there is something lurking in the background that gives us a case of the willies. What the heck is that? Whatever it is appears to have the deer feeling uneasy and it would undoubtedly have a lot of us feeling the same way if we found it creeping up behind us in the dark. As with a lot of these images, the portion that creeps people out lacks a lot of definition. It could be a guy with a mustache standing behind somebody else or it could be something more sinister.

8. Just Who You Want to Run Into On Your Walk


If you want to experience true terror then you should binge watch a bunch of Friday the 13th movies and then head out for a leisurely stroll through the woods where this nightmarish image was captured. With any luck, you will run into this individual who seems to have all the obvious trademarks of a psychopathic killer. Well, the goalie mask and machete are more than enough to make you soil your trousers. You might want to wear a pair of running shoes because you will likely want to run away as fast as you can, lest you become one of this maniac’s victims. You could be encouraged by the fact that his machete and clothing aren’t covered with blood but that probably won’t be enough to make you want to befriend this guy.

7. The Burlington Boogeyman


Stories of the Burlington Boogeyman have been handed down from generation to generation throughout Pennsylvania for many years. According to legend, the Burlington Boogeyman is the spirit of a Native American chief that roams the forests in and around Burlington. Like similar stories, this vengeful ghost is mainly chalked up to being just another urban legend. There have been reported sightings but no concrete evidence has ever been provided. Perhaps the closest thing to proof of its existence is this scary image that was captured on a trail cam a few years ago. It appears to be quite similar to the descriptions that have been given in alleged eye-witness accounts. It doesn’t really matter if you buy into the whole story, and this picture could easily be a forgery but it should be enough to mess with your mind when you’re in the woods.

6. Wildlife… In The True Sense


Back in 2016, police in Gardner, Kansas set up trail cams in response to a reported mountain lion sighting at a local park. When police took a look at the video, they saw a skunk and a coyote as well as a few other small furry animals but they didn’t see any mountain lions. Oh yeah, they also captured the above image as well as several others like it. Now, nobody is trying to fool anyone. It is blatantly obvious that the pictures show people dressed up in bizarre costumes. Police and locals got a good chuckle from the prank and there was no investigation. Nonetheless, those who would stumble across such a scene would likely feel a little nervous. It might not be as intimidating as running into those scary clowns, but it would still be nerve-wracking.

5. Haunted Cornfield


In 2016, a motion sensor trail cam was set up to monitor the edge of a cornfield in Hubertus, Wisconsin. It’s not certain what they were trying to find but they undoubtedly got a lot more than they bargained for when the camera captured this eerie picture of what appears to be a ghostly woman in a nightgown out for a midnight walk. Whatever it is was real enough to set off the camera’s motion detectors. The entity also seems to be as tall as the cornstalks and quite thin which are characteristics of several legendary beings such as the Slender Man. Whether it is a specter or just some lady sleepwalking, this creepy footage would be enough to give anybody that lived nearby a good reason to lose sleep.

4. Strange Man Walking?


Zach Davis of Conecuh County, Alabama was monitoring a game camera that was set up near a food plot. He was going over some of the images the next day when he came across this one which depicts something strange. He initially thought that it could be a photo of himself but the time stamp showed that the shot was taken at 5:12 PM. He claims that he was with his father-in-law monitoring the cameras at that time. Davis checked the area for footprints but found none. Locals claim that the image resembles that of Pot Weaver who lived on the property until he passed away in 1984. Some people have stated that it looks like Weaver’s deceased brother. It’s enough to scare a lot of people but it won’t keep Davis from hunting there in the future.

3. The Owling


There are more than a few pictures that really make you scratch your head and this is one of them. Just what the heck is going on here? This trail cam still image appears to show some kind of malevolent beast milling about in the woods. How would you like to run into it when you’re all alone? As scary as this image looks upon first glance, it really isn’t as wicked as it seems. It is simply a camouflaged bow hunter. You can make out his bow which is aimed at the trail cam and you can see that he is wearing a backpack and toque. His eyes glow from in light of the camera and it’s quite possible that he was just startled at seeing the camera.

2. Another Bigfoot Sighting


It shouldn’t be all that surprising that one of the most popular creatures in North American lore would make another appearance on this list. What separates this shot from others is that it was taken on a TruthCam 35 so you know it’s got to be legit. Right? Well, let’s not be too hasty to conclude that this is actual proof but you would jump out of your boots if you came face to face with whatever this is. It could be an intentional hoax but it is likely that it’s just a hunter dressed in a ghillie suit. They are commonly used by hunters to blend into the scenery, although this one sticks out like a sore thumb. Sasquatch is described as being much taller, and this guy is short and stout.

1. Oh, Deer…What’s That?


In yet another trail cam photo that prominently features a deer, we see that something has caught the buck’s attention and it should get your attention too when you see it. If you look in the same direction as the deer, you will see what looks like a young child coming up behind the animals. According to the time stamp, this image was captured in 2010. It’s anyone’s guess as to why a toddler would be wandering around wild animals at 10:16 at night, but that is apparently the case. It would be creepy to be out at night and see this kind of thing, although the deer doesn’t seem to be at all phased by the intruder. Hopefully, a hunter doesn’t mistake the kid for an animal and shoot it. He might be in for a shocking surprise.

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