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15 Unbelievable Photos Captured By Drones

15 Unbelievable Photos Captured By Drones

The key to making an outstanding photo is being in the right place at the right time. Drones have made that easier than ever and they have changed the world of photography and filmmaking forever. Places that have been unapproachable became approachable for cameras when those little flying things, slightly resembling children’s toys, were invented. They are small, they are compact, and they are relatively cheap. You can pay for a drone anywhere between 20 and 2000 dollars, depending on your preferences and budget, and you can find them almost on every corner. They are accessible to anyone and that is what makes them even cooler.

And while there have been millions of beautiful pictures captured by drones, there have been even more boring ones. However, every once in a while, the drones find a black pearl of their own sort – a picture that is the perfect combination of the right moment and the right place. Those pictures are really the ones worth seeing. Some of them are scary, some are interesting, some are downright creepy, but they all are pretty unbelievable. Once you see them, you will probably want to get a drone of your own (if you already don’t own one). Here are 15 unbelievable photos captured by drones.

15. Crop Formations


Crop formations are unexplained phenomena that have appeared all over the world and their number has increased from the early ‘70s until today. Nobody knows exactly what the secret behind their existence is, but people have pretty strong opinions about them. There are basically two groups of people when it comes to the crop circles: those who believe that they were made by humans and those who believe that they were made by aliens in an attempt to communicate with the human population.

This particular photo was captured by a drone flying over the Wiltshire field and, even though crop circles aren’t such a rare thing to be captured by drones, there is something that makes this picture slightly more interesting. This photo was taken just over a minute of flying away from Stonehenge. UFO enthusiasts claim that is no coincidence!

14. The Drone Hunter


While, on one hand, drones are a great tool used by professional photographers, filmmakers, and other kinds of artists, on the other hand, they can just as easily be used to invade people’s privacy. There has been quite a bit of public discussion about this subject and there is a strong disapproval for them being so accessible for anyone to use. This photo is a great example of a case where a person wasn’t happy at all about a drone flying over their property and invading their privacy. In fact, the man in question got so angry, he took his shotgun and tried to take the drone down – successfully. The damaged drone fell into some bushes but with its camera remained intact. We got a chance to see how the moment when the shot was fired actually looked like.

13. Decapitation


While numerous countries around the globe have abolished the capital punishment, death sentences are still a pretty standard thing in some parts of the world. In some of the world’s corners, the laws are dramatically different from what we are used to. Sharia law, also known as the Islamic law, for example, still encourages very harsh punishments for what we would consider some minor crimes. Decapitation or the execution by beheading is something that is still a part of the Sharia law. This picture was captured by a drone owned by ISIS, used to capture the decapitation of a man sentenced to death for insulting Allah. The really disturbing thing about this photo is that it captures the final moments of a man’s life where the machete is already on its way to end his life’s journey.

12. Fire At St. Kevin’s Asylum

Via: Chaostrophic

At the evening of July 2017, an Irish drone owner was just flying his drone over the Cork City when he came across something he did not expect at all. His camera captured a massive fire at what used to be St. Kevin’s Asylum. Thankfully, the facility has been closed for some time so there was nobody in there when the building burst into flames and nobody was injured. However, the fire almost destroyed the whole building and it took 6 firefighter units to take it under control. If they didn’t react immediately, the damage could be a lot worse and the fire could have spread way beyond the walls of the burning building. People of the Cork City have lost an important historical, Victorian building and that’s a terrible shame.

11. A Horrible Car Accident

Via: Pinterest

When a thick, black smoke billowed into the air over the Los Angeles Freeway, many people in the circle of a couple of miles knew that something bad had happened. One of them was a drone enthusiast and he decided to do a bit of investigating of his own. What he captured with his drone camera was a fatal multivehicle collision that happened in April 2017, where one man died and 10 people were severely injured. The investigation concluded that a box truck driver had lost control of his vehicle, which triggered a chain-reaction with multiple vehicles crashing one into another. The crash caused a large explosion and several cars were on fire by the time the firefighters arrived on the scene. There were at least 8 vehicles involved in this terrible collision.

10. Real-Life Jaws


This picture was captured by Joel Nankivell and there is actually quite an interesting story about it. Mr. Nankivell was flying his drone over the Injidup Bay in Australia when he saw a man casually paddling right towards a shark. Nankivell knew that the paddler didn’t notice the shark being dangerously close to him so he tried to get his attention and let him know that he was paddling in a very dangerous direction. Nankivell flew his drone close to the paddler and tried to catch his attention, but the paddler didn’t get the hint. To make things even worse, a big wave came by and it pushed the paddler even closer to the shark. Luckily, the shark either didn’t notice the guy or just wasn’t interested and it continued to swim away from the paddler.

9. Post-Tornado


Devastating and terrible tornadoes hit the larger part of the southern and central United States of America between April 27th to April 30th in 2014. These tornadoes left so much destruction in their wake. Neighborhoods were destroyed and many people lost lives and property. One drone lover captured this picture in Mayflower, Arkansas, showing just how devastating the aftermath of the tornadoes were. In fact, it was the most destructive tornado experience for the State since 1968, injuring 194 people, killing 16 and leaving thousands homeless. Rescue teams can be seen in the picture trying to salvage as much as possible while also rescuing people trapped under the rubble. The picture gets worse as we can see what’s left of buildings scattered all over.

8. Blackfish Hunting


Killer whales are very well known for their intelligence and the ability to work together as a team. Every one of them has a specific task and they are an unbelievable synchronized unit. This photo was captured by a drone owner and it shows a group of killer whales hunting down and eating a minke whale. The orcas are apex predators with no natural enemies and people call them “the wolves of the sea” because of the way they do their hunting which really resembles wolf packs. Every single one of them knows exactly where it needs to be and they rely on each other while hunting their lunch. They have an amazing social intelligence and the communication and socialization is very important for them. That is partly what makes them such amazing hunters.

7. A Group Of Mermaids?


This picture is a part of the video that appeared on multiple YouTube channels as proof that mermaids do exist after all. It captures a group of unknown creatures swimming near the water surface while their upper body really resembles the body of a human. Now, when it comes to the mermaids, people usually have quite strong opinions on the subject. Just like when talking about aliens – some people are sure they exist while some people think that people who believe they exist are bonkers. But one thing we know for sure and that is that this video has been viewed by millions of people around the world and it was a reason for everybody to think twice about the existence of the sea-people. Nobody really knows what secrets are yet to be discovered in the deep blue sea.

6. The Black-Eyed Child


Black-eyed children are an urban myth that has been around for quite some time now. People first started to talk about this phenomenon in the early ‘90s when a couple of kids with black eyes were spotted hitchhiking. So what are they? Well, the legend says they are paranormal creatures in the form of children between the ages of 6 and 16 with extremely pale skin, dark hair, and black eyes. The legend also says that they want to enter your home but can’t do so until you let them in yourself. This photo was taken in Cannock Chase and it captures a mysterious young girl with pale skin and dark hair, but the interesting part about this photo is the fact that it was captured in a place where people have been often reporting encountering black-eyed children.

5. Bigfoot Taking A Walk


Everybody has heard about Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, but there are very few people who claim that they have actually seen it. It is an urban legend about a large, hairy humanoid living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. There have been some Sasquatch believers who have spent most of their lives searching for this mysterious creature – unsuccessfully. Even though there have been multiple photos capturing something that might match the description of the Bigfoot, they have always been too grainy or too small to actually prove its existence. This picture was captured by a man in Idaho who used to film wildlife around his home on a regular basis. However, he has never seen anything like the creature in the picture before so he suspected that it could be the actual Bigfoot.

4. Alien Life Among Us


There have been numerous photos used to prove the existence of the alien life among us. Most of the people believe that there might be some form of life in the universe outside of the Earth, but they don’t actually think that the aliens have taken any interest in the humans at all. On the other hand, there have been conspiracy theories claiming that the aliens live among us but the “Man” doesn’t want us to know about them. One of the believers is also the owner of the drone that captured this picture. He claimed he was just flying his drone on a peaceful day in Canada when some strange, unidentified object collided with his drone. He described the object as a flying disc and he called his footage the “weirdest thing ever”.

3. The King Of The Jungle


This interesting picture was captured by a man who actually decided to sacrifice his drone to the lions in order to film the lion attack from the perspective of the prey. He flew his drone close to a group of lions and he annoyed them on purpose to provoke the attack. In this picture, you can see the male lion getting ready to attack the drone and to take it down and that’s exactly what happened a couple of moments later. The lion caught the drone and he shared it with his fellow lions as they were all chewing on different parts. It couldn’t be too tasty but it resulted in a really interesting footage capturing something that nobody would actually want to see in person from that particular perspective.

2. The “Friendly” Waters Of Australia


Australia is one of those places in the world where you don’t really want to mess around if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are hundreds of different species that are potentially dangerous if you come too close. Of course, a number one of them are angry or hungry sharks. This photo was taken by Bo Bridges, one of the first photographers to really embrace the drones and their ability to capture amazing things in the places where you couldn’t just take your camera by foot. He used to film the brave surfers and paddlers who dared to enter the “friendly” Australian waters. When you look at this picture, you will see a shark right under the paddle board of Bridges’ friend Wayne. Wayne had no idea how close he was to becoming a shark’s lunch that day.

1. Every Breath You Take


If you had your favorite spot on your roof where you enjoyed getting some naked tan time, well, that might not be the best idea anymore. While drones are a wonderful thing for professional photography and filmmaking, it is not the best thing ever for everyone’s privacy. Since they are so accessible to everyone, there is a chance that there will be a pervert or two in a possession of one. This picture is a great example of why most of the countries have adopted some new regulations when it comes to the drones. If you want to fly it, you will have to have a special license. You don’t want some weird creep with a drone flying around your house, watching “every breath you take, every move you make…”

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