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15 Walmart Employees Confess The Worst Things They’ve Ever Seen On The Job

Business, Career
15 Walmart Employees Confess The Worst Things They’ve Ever Seen On The Job

Everyone has seen something they will never forget at their local Walmart store. When you have all walks of life congregating in the same place you are bound to see something that is unforgettable eventually. Some people are infatuated with the goings on in these stores and that’s why this piece is being done today. To quench that never ending thirst for more Walmart gossip.

Can you imagine being an employee who works there for a full shift every day? The things that a normal person sees are during a visit that may last from ten minutes to an hour. When you spend countless amounts of hours in the store you are certain to see much more than the average customer.

Today we will learn some things that Walmart employees have witnessed with their own eyes. They are things that Walmart higher-ups definitely do not want shared with the public either. Once you read a few you’ll know exactly why that is.

You’re going to learn what a “Code Brown” really is, about the toy department that had a different kind of family visiting it, the employee who was forced to work even though violently ill and the employee who was promoted but actually received less benefits, pay and hours. Walmart is a crazy world and today we do nothing to change that perception!

15. Collapsing shelving units


One employee who worked in the pet department saw something he never thought he would see; the shelfs crashing down to the floor! It was during the overnight shift and the shelfs were brand new. They had just been installed because they were supposed to be the newest technology. They were high-rise shelfs that were supposed to be able to hold one ton of merchandise.

The employee was instructed to put 8 pallets of cat litter on the shelfs but did the math and told the bosses even though they were new, it still wouldn’t hold all that weight. They told him to do it anyway and they all came crashing down. The employee was seriously injured but the bosses wouldn’t let anyone call 911. The employee won a huge lawsuit settlement against the company.

14. Questionable gun sales


For the most part Walmart employees are pretty good at figuring out who is real or not when it comes to gun sales. There are obviously several laws that the store must follow and they have to be good at spotting the BS because there are plenty who want guns but aren’t allowed to have them for whatever reason.

The reason that people continue to try to pull the wool over the eyes of Walmart employees is because it has been done countless times before. The company isn’t known to have some of the smartest in the community working there so many people think it’s worth a shot to give it a try. Some succeed and some fail. You would think that upper management would be a little more on the ball with the people they hired for that department.

13. The Return Of The Rocks


One employee was working the returns counter one day and was lucky enough to take part in an interesting event. A man came up to the counter with a cart that had a large stereo system box in it. He wanted to return it but it had to be cleared by the Electronics Department first. While the employee called someone from that department he noticed the customer wasn’t looking very good so he paged security as well.

When everyone arrived the customer went into convulsions right there at the counter. The security people moved him into a nearby office once the seizures had stopped, something that the arriving EMT’s were not happy about. When the stereo box was opened up there was nothing in it but a bunch of rocks.

12. Where is my layaway?


One particular Walmart had a long standing problem of people coming in to put down a deposit on an item, then returning several days later to cancel it and get their money back. The customers would tell the employees outright that they only did it because they had a bill coming up and they didn’t want to hold the cash themselves for fear that they would spend it.

Then one Black Friday the customers got so out of control they took ladders from the hardware department and used them to reach merchandise that was on the top shelfs. That was where the layaways were stored because they had run out of room in the back. On the day of chaos several customers took these layaway items and walked right out the door with them. I wonder what excuse was given when those customers came back for their stuff!

11. Customers mistreating employees


Sometimes you run into employees who don’t seem to be the brightest bulb in the box. Sometimes however it’s the customer that is wrong, no matter what the old saying is. One time an employee who was working the express lane had a customer come to them with many more pieces than the twenty item limit. The employee was obviously upset so the customer asked “Do you have a problem with me or something?” The employee responded “Well, it does say 20 items or less…we have very little counter space here.” The customer answered back with “You’re the most hateful person I’ve ever met.”

Another employee was screamed at for not giving a customer’s change back fast enough and yet another one had a pack of smokes thrown at them because they were the wrong brand.

10. Death in the bathrooms


A lot of homeless people visit Walmart stores because a lot of them are open 24/7. There was an instance one time where a homeless man died right there in a Walmart bathroom. He had gone in to relieve himself and he died standing up with his unit still in his hand. He did fall over a bit to the side and ended up getting wedged between the partition and the urinal.

Paramedics were called to the store after he was found and they removed him. Next time you are in the men’s room at your local Walmart store and the guy next to you doesn’t move or make any noises, it might be a good idea to say hello and check on him.

9. Promotions that pay less


A female employee was once given a promotion by upper management. She went from a cashier to a sales associate. The new position was full time (32-40 hours) and she would keep her current pay rate because cashiers made more money than sales associates. Since the position was full time she considered it as a promotion, just like she was told it was.

When it came time to file the paperwork she was told that she couldn’t keep the same rate of pay as she had been promised. The employee was still alright with things because the full time hours would still pay her more. That is until they then cut her hours down to 25 per week. So she got a promotion but was actually making less than she was before. She left work one day after her shift ended and never returned.

8. Making fun of less fortunate costumers


One employee told a story about a woman who used to come into their store all the time. She told him that she walked twenty miles every day to come to the store to visit with employees because she was lonely. This seems a bit excessive as I don’t think there is a twenty mile radius anywhere in the country that doesn’t have a Walmart inside of it.

Another employee did however verify that her claims of living in a house with no floors or electricity were indeed true. The first employee would talk to her every day to keep her company just like she wanted. Other employees though made fun of her to her face. Since she didn’t understand what they were doing the woman considered them friends as well.

7. Mistreating weaker employees


One member of management had befriended an employee who had Down syndrome. Any time the employee had a question about anything or became confused, they went to this manager and everything was straightened out for him.

One day the employee was confused about break time and took his break at the wrong time. The manager found the man in the break room surrounded by four members of upper management who were screaming and cussing at him to get back to work. Once the lower manager figured out what was going on he called off the upper management attack and explained to the employee what had happened. The employee was fired later that same day for taking a break at the wrong time.

6. The rat infested toy department


About ten years or so ago a new Toy Department manager took over at a Walmart store. The department had been without a manager for more than six months and everything was in complete disarray. The new manager decided to start out in the back room and make everything organized back there and then move out to take care of the main floor.

The manager came across a box that had a very expensive piece in it. They decided to clean it up and put it out on the main floor. What was found in the 5 feet high, by 3 feet wide and 2 foot long box was a history of a rat family. It was completely filled to the top with feces and dead rat/mouse corpses.

The manager tried to get rid of the box but was told by upper management to just clean it up and put it out on the floor for sale. They refused to do so, but upper management chose someone else to do it and the piece was cleaned up and re-taped closed and put out on the floor for sale. There was even rat feces stuck to several pieces of tape.

5. Management mistreating employees


One employee seriously hurt their back while on the clock. As another employee tried to help, upper management said that the injured party would have to come up stairs and fill out paperwork before going to the hospital.

The employee lost consciousness twice while filling out the required paperwork before being allowed to seek medical attention. They missed six weeks of work and were awarded a measly 24 bucks for workers compensation. This is because once the store found out about the injury they cut the employee’s hours down to just one single hour per week. They obviously knew what was coming.

4. Upper management lack of focus


One employee was in charge of the Connections Center/Photo Lab and was also put in charge of the toy department because that manager had been fired. When the electronics manager was fired at a later date, this same person was put in charge of that department as well. This guy was right out of high school and in about six months he was running three departments.

When he didn’t receive a bonus that he deserved for running all three of them well, he quit. Two weeks later a member of upper management called him to ask when he was returning from his vacation. When he told them he had quit, the former employee was told to come in a get his last check.

While in the store to get his last check, the manager who had taken his resignation a couple of weeks prior, asked for his help in moving a pallet. When he informed his former manager that he was there to get his final pay check the manager got upset with him. Wow.

3. Very dirty cooler areas


At one Walmart there were some disturbing events near the back of the store. The dairy cooler got infested with black mold and when the dairy manager was told to clean it up he later reported that the job was complete. When upper management came to check his work they found that he hadn’t touched a thing. They had to watch over him to see to it that it got done.

Later, a worker in the meat department took a piece of bad, green meat out of the area where it had been put to be sent back or destroyed. He put it back on the shelf and it stayed there for a while before someone noticed it. The smell that filled the store wasn’t completely gone for a few months.

2. The aisles might be a bit crappy

Via: the

One day someone who was walking through the toy section of a Walmart decided to take a dump right in the middle of a toy aisle. There is no telling what struck this person to do this but they obviously felt they couldn’t make it to the bathroom. To make matters worse another customer rolled their cart right through it and left a trail for a good distance.

An employee who found the mess thought it would be funny to get on the intercom and announce a “Code Brown”, to let people know of the mess. However, in Walmart terms a “Code Brown” actually means a hostage situation so all kinds of chaos erupted in the store.

1. Forcing sick employees to come to work


One time a Walmart employee was so sick that she was actually throwing up in a trash can between ringing out customers. Several members of management and several customers saw this happening. Members of upper management told her that if she left she would be fired. You see, she had already used up all of her sick time.

They forced her to work her complete shift, throwing up in a garbage can, handling customer groceries, merchandise and money, and basically looking like she was knocking on death’s door.

The next time you get sick, try and figure out when your last trip to Walmart was. You never know, it might be directly related.


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