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15 Wedding Confessions From Brides And Grooms

15 Wedding Confessions From Brides And Grooms

Your wedding day is supposed to be the best day of your life. It brings together all the people you love in one room to celebrate the love between you and your partner. The day should ideally be full of joy and every detail should work out just as you planned. But because we live in reality and not a fairytale, things don’t always go the way you envisioned it on your Pinterest board. These 15 confessors shared the disasters they experienced on their wedding day and during the wedding planning process. Many of them suffered rude comments from family members who didn’t approve of their looks, their partner, or their food. Others had to deal with budgeting woes and going into major debt just to create the perfect day. Still others had to endure one of the worst disasters a bride could imagine: ruining her dream dress. From pizza grease to blood, these ladies should definitely have brought an emergency stain stick to their wedding venue! With all this drama and stress, these poor confessors probably wished they had just gone to the court house. Keep reading for 15 horrific wedding confessions that will make you want to elope!

15. Place Your Bets

via: Whisper

Nobody wants to hear that their marriage won’t last. You marry someone with the intent of being with them forever, so having people doubt your relationship really hurts. When you are trying to enjoy your wedding day with your bride or groom, these kinds of comments sting even more. The person who shared this confession should immediately cut the rude wedding guests out of their life. They don’t need that kind of toxic negativity! Not only did these people feel the need to make rude comments about their relationship, but actually had the gall to place bets on the length of the marriage. Even if you think something like that, you should never, ever say it out loud if there is a chance of the person hearing you.

14. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

via: Whisper

Wedding budgets are tricky. Both the bride and groom have their dream day, but at the same time they don’t want to put themselves into tons of debt. Starting a life together is expensive, so some couples try to have a smaller wedding and save their money for their honeymoon or a home, like this confessor wanted to do. Others, like his wife, want a huge blow-out wedding day, because they will hopefully only get married one time. It’s no wonder that money is such a huge reason married couples fight! It is just a shame that the wife thought that lots of expensive details are what makes a wedding magical. In reality, even the cheapest wedding can feel like a fairytale if there is enough love in the room!

13. One-Stop Shop

via: Whisper

Court house weddings are great for those who want the legal benefits of marriage more than a huge fancy party. This type of celebration is super intimate and can be just as beautiful as a wedding day that took months and tons of money to pull off. This poor person was just trying to unite with their one true love when their mother-in-law had to put a damper on things. Whether she thought that the marriage would not last or she didn’t approve of the union, there is no excuse for being so brazenly rude on someone’s wedding day. If she insisted on starting drama, she should have kept it within the family. There is no reason to drag in the poor officiant to this awkward and mean-spirited remark.

12. Yes To The Dress, No To The Fiance

via: Whisper

Many women dream of a fairytale wedding dress, especially with the popularity of wedding shows like Say Yes To The Dress. To achieve that perfect bridal look, ladies often have to save up money for years or use a payment plan to pay for their gown, like the person who shared this confession. She obviously spent tons of money on her ideal dress and was super excited to wear it while walking down the aisle. But then her fiance broke up with her the next day! There is no bigger blow than spending lots of money on someone who does not appreciate it. Maybe she returned the dress and got her money back. I hope that she kept it to wear at her future wedding to someone who really values her.

11. Budget Bride

via: Whisper

Not every bride wants a large, expensive wedding. Lots of ladies, especially those who already have some debt, try to plan their dream day on a smaller budget. With a little creativity, a small wedding can be just as breathtaking as one that costs tons of money! However, families often poke their noses into the wedding planning process. Even though they already had their own wedding day, moms and mother-in-laws feel the need to push for the wedding they want, regardless of the bride and groom’s wishes. This poor confessor wanted a small wedding day but was pressured into something that was more extravagant and expensive than she wanted. Trying to please everyone and stick to your budget can feel impossible! Now she has even more debt and her wedding is not even what she dreamed of.

10. Mom-Zilla

via: Whisper

There is a reason there are so many mother-in-law jokes out there. When women get married, their mother-in-law often sees them as competition for their son’s love, often causing drama. No matter what they do, they usually can’t win with her. This poor bride had to deal with almost getting in a physical fight with her MIL over a tiny detail of the wedding day. The dress was probably just the final straw of things that made the mother-in-law annoyed with the bride. Hopefully the groom stood up for his wife and didn’t take his mom’s side! Family disagreements are bad enough on normal days. But add in the stress and heavy drinking that usually accompany wedding days and you have a powder keg waiting to explode.

9. One Is The Loneliest Number

via: Whisper

Wedding planning should fill you with joy, but it oftentimes brings up other emotions, too. Many couples feel stressed out over hitting deadlines, getting the vendors of their dreams, and having everything go just right for their big day. Making the guest list can be one of the most stressful tasks of them all. Which friends are you close enough with to invite? How far removed should a relative be before they aren’t on the list? This sad confessor shows the opposite problem. Instead of having to cut down her guest list, she is realizing how few close people she has in her life. It is sad to picture an empty wedding, but hopefully she realizes that the guests aren’t what matter. Her soul mate is the key point of the wedding!

8. Let Her Eat Cake

via: Whisper

One of the most beloved traditions at weddings is the cake. Many couples have huge layered cakes that are immaculately decorated. They cut a piece and share it to show their union before serving the dessert to their guests. Having a yummy cake is also a bit of a reward for the bride after she probably tried to lose weight for her wedding day. That is why this confession is so heartbreaking! This bride was just trying to enjoy her day and stick to fun traditions when her grandma decided it was the perfect time to comment on her weight. Just let her have this one day of feeling like a princess! No bride should have to feel bad, no matter her weight, about splitting one piece of her wedding cake with her partner.

7. The Red Wedding

via: Whisper

Ugh. One of the worst parts about being a woman is having your period. The pain, the bloating, the inconvenience, and of course the blood. It’s so embarrassing and annoying! So naturally, one of a bride’s biggest fears is having to deal with it on the biggest day of her life. Not only will you feel emotionally and mentally terrible, but you could bleed onto your white dress. And that is unfortunately exactly what happened to this poor bride. Period leaks are awful on any regular day, so when you are wearing an expensive white gown and standing up in front of all your family and friends, the horror increases by a million times. At least she knows her most embarrassing day of her life is behind her now!

6. Grease Is The Word

via: Whisper

I want to start by saying this bride is awesome. She got married and was so hungry, she immediately got pizza. No shame there! She probably had not eaten all day and could not make it until reception time without eating. Clearly she should have waited just a little longer to eat, though. There are few disasters more terrible than ruining something expensive. As mentioned above, a wedding dress can cost as much as a down payment on a house, so it is important to keep that thing as pristine as possible! I wonder if the pizza was worth staining her gown and having to walk around the reception looking like a slob. Fortunately, this bride’s photos weren’t ruined thanks to the magic of photo editing software. Every cloud has a silver lining!

5. (Wo)man With A Plan

via: Whisper

Planning your wedding is supposed to be a fun time in your life. But with the increasing popularity of TV shows about dream weddings and Pinterest boards with every minute detail, the process often becomes more stressful than sweet for brides. I am pretty sure I increased my blood pressure while I was planning mine! For some couples, like the person who shared this confession, it can get overwhelming. Along with sticking to a budget and creating a dream day for both partners, there are often other obstacles, too. Bossy relatives, booking vendors you really wanted, and last-minute cancellations make pulling off the wedding of your dreams very stressful. After so much stress and sleepless nights, many people feel it would just be easier and more enjoyable to elope!

4. Baby On Board

via: Whisper

Every bride strives to look and feel as beautiful as possible on her wedding day. It is the one day of her life she should be treated like a queen! This bride had a pregnant belly to deal with, whether she had planned on it or not. But that definitely doesn’t mean she didn’t look gorgeous! This terrible confession breaks my heart. You should never criticize a bride’s appearance or the appearance of a pregnant woman, so when a lady is both, you should be extra nice. I guess the rude aunt in this story missed that memo! No one wants to hear how huge they look at 36 weeks pregnant, and the fact that she said she simply looked fat was uncalled for. What would possess someone to say that and at a wedding no less?

3. Barfing Bride

via: Whisper

When you plan your wedding for months or even years ahead of time, there is no way of knowing what will happen on the actual day. The weather could be bad, your car might break down, or, worst of all, someone could get sick. The latter is what happened to this unfortunate groom. Not only did the bride throw up, ruining both her gown and her husband’s suit, but she also passed out in front of all her wedding guests. This would be so embarrassing and horrifying considering how much money you spend on a wedding and how highly you anticipate it. Nothing could be more heartbreaking as a bride! I wonder what made her sick. If it was a virus, that’s just terrible luck. But if she was hungover from the night before or just super nervous, I don’t feel as bad for her.

2. Las Vegas Loser

via: Whisper

Las Vegas wedding stories are always wild. Almost nobody who gets married there does so sober. The wedding chapels are full of super drunk people who don’t even know each other and probably won’t remember what happened by the next morning. Then comes the messy process of finding that random person so you can divorce them as quickly as you married them. This story sounds no different. I assume the confessor didn’t actually know the woman he married, which is why she went home to another guy. If they were actually together when they got to Vegas and then she slept with another man, that is so sad! I suppose this confession is a lesson to us all: don’t get to drunk while in Las Vegas and don’t marry random people!

1. Wine-y Wedding Day

via: Whisper

As mentioned above, a mother-in-law can be quite a handful when it comes to weddings. They want to be in charge and do what they want despite the couple’s wishes. Often they fear they are losing their son or daughter, so they act out as a result. Of all the crazy MIL stories, though, this confession takes the cake. First of all, she wore a black dress to the wedding, which is kind of rude considering that is what you would wear to a funeral. Even worse, though, is the fact that she threw wine on the bride, ruining her dream wedding gown. No wonder she hates her! Dealing with a wild wedding guest is bad enough, but when it’s someone you know you will have to see often, that is a bit of a nightmare.

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