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15 Women Who Are Not Only Bombshells, But Also Filthy Rich

Business, World
15 Women Who Are Not Only Bombshells, But Also Filthy Rich

In modern times, the term “rich girls” has earned a bad reputation. A lot of people think they are just spoiled brats who can buy anything and anyone they want with daddy’s money, throw wild parties and crash—or even thrash—the parties of others for no apparent reason and look for and even cause drama and trouble for entertainment just because they can. It’s almost like since money can buy them anything they want, they get their kicks from something they can’t get from any store.

However, the women on this list beg to differ. They’re proof that not every lady with millions in the bank got it from their papa and act like Taylor Swift in the “Blank Space” music video. These fine members of the fairer gender show that there is a place for affluent women in a rich man’s world, and it’s not on beside another man. Because what men can do, women definitely can too, and they can earn just as much for it—if not more. They’re also out to show that the rich girl stereotype couldn’t be farther from the truth, as they carry themselves with dignity, class and style. You know, things money can’t buy.

15. Yang Huiyan

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It’s no surprise that we kick off this list with a wealthy and pretty Chinese lady, as China has become an ultra-capitalist country with a rapidly growing economy in recent years. And because of this boom, many industries have risen, including real estate and housing. Riding this wave is Yang Huiyan. The thirty-five-year-old traditionally beautiful and business-savvy woman is worth $21.9 billion. She’s the vice-chairwoman and the biggest shareholder of Country Garden Holdings, a Chinese property development company.
She knows the ins and outs of the industry, as she’s been observing her father’s board meetings since she was a teenager, and earned her Marketing and Logistics degree from Ohio State University. Intelligent and driven, it’s no surprise that her father gave her, and not her two other sisters, most of the company’s shares.

14. Marie Besnier Beauvalot


Money can’t buy class. Thankfully, Marie Besnier Beauvalot doesn’t have to because she’s French. Then again, if she ever didn’t have any, she probably has enough money to disprove the age-old maxim. She and her brothers inherited Lactalis, a big French dairy company, from their father Michel Besnier. How big? Well, it’s only the biggest dairy exporter in Europe, selling $18 billion worth of dairy products such as President brie, Milkmaid yogurts and Valbreso feta. And since the company is already huge in Europe, the company is also expanding into Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. Guess that explains why she had a net worth of $2.5 billion back in 2015. Aside from her wealth, Marie is also quite the looker, thanks to her slim figure and stunning eyes.

13. Zhang Zetian


She became famous back in 2009 as the cute girl holding a cup of milk tea. She even got nicknamed Naicha meimei—that’s Chinese for milk tea little sister. Now in 2017, at 24-years-old, she has been hailed as China’s youngest female billionaire. A few years after becoming a viral sensation, she married Liu Qiangdong, founder of Chinese e-commerce giant This, however, isn’t the end of her riches-to-more-riches tale. Rather, it’s just the start, as she began investing in various companies, like Uber China and baby food company Bubs Australia, just to name a couple. Other than being her attractive and rich self, she’s also a powerful social media presence, as she has thousands of followers on Instagram and 1.3 million in Weibo, Twitter’s Chinese counterpart.

12. Amanda Hearst

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Socialites are often labeled as superficial and vain. That, however, is an unfair generalization. After all, despite being born into a family that’s wealthy enough to only have first-world problems, some of them actually have a heart for much worthier concerns. One of those would be Amanda Hearst. Great-granddaughter of American entrepreneur, politician and newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst Sr., Amanda Hearst is, aside from being heiress of the Hearst Corporation, a model, activist and associate market editor at Marie Claire. But for animal lovers everywhere, she is best known for being the founder of Friends of Finn, an organization that’s named after her dog, and focuses on ending the inhumane treatment of dogs in puppy mills. Indeed, this woman has a heart of gold—and a $2 billion net worth.

11. Ariana Rockefeller

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One of the most important, powerful and secretive families in the history of the U.S. would be the Rockefellers. A major industrial, political and banking juggernaut from the 19th century up to this day, this family is among the most elite of America’s upper society. Ariana Rockefeller, The daughter of present-day family chairman David Rockefeller Jr., isn’t one to just simply ride the coattails of the clan’s patriarchs. So instead of getting into any of the businesses the family controls, she chose to make a name for herself. Literally, her own brand, which creates foundational pieces of modern wardrobe, and her handbags collection, which draws inspiration from equestrian sports—something she is very much into.

10. Charlotte Casiraghi


You can have all the money in the world, but you can never be royalty unless you’re born into nobility. And if you come into this world belonging to such a family, it’s a guarantee that you have a silver spoon in your mouth. That is why Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter of Princess Caroline of Hanover and granddaughter of Prince Rainier III of Monaco, is included in this list.
However, being ninth in line to Monaco’s throne and being worth $5.7 billion aren’t the only things going for Charlotte. Aside from being ultra-privileged, she’s also a beauty icon, as well as the official equestrian of the Gucci label. She’s a journalist who had worked for AnOther magazine and British newspaper The Independent as well, and she is currently the editor-at-large for Above magazine.

9. Tamara Ecclestone


The billion-dollar girls for this entry and the next are a tale of two sisters—the daughters of British business mogul and former Formula 1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone. Tamara is the elder one, and is a socialite, model and TV star. In fact, she’s been doing glamour and modeling projects, and has had her own reality shows within the past decade. The show that is currently on the air is Tamara’s World, a reality show that’s all about her everyday life with her husband Jay Ruthland, a 35-year-old businessman, and her daughter, 3-year-old daughter Sophia. Obviously, the show is all about her and her family’s lifestyle. After all, she’s the daughter of a billionaire, and she herself is worth $306 million. Anything less than the lap of luxury would be sacrilege.

8. Petra Ecclestone


People compare siblings, even multi-millionaires ones, with one another. It is unavoidable, as they are uncannily similar and different. This is also true when it comes to Petra Ecclestone. Like her sister Tamara, Petra is an heiress, billionaire and model. What sets her apart, however, is the divorce drama she is in, which is going to be one of the most expensive splits in the history of affluent people’s divorces, as she and her now ex-husband James Stunt, a businessman, will be going head-to-head in court as they fight over their once-shared fortune, which is worth a staggering $7.3 billion. It’s going to be a long, bitter and pricey fight, as divorce lawyers, especially good ones, do not come cheap. Good thing she’s got that part covered.

7. Georgina Bloomberg


Bloomberg—a last name you’d hear everywhere in the world of business, finance and mass media. It’s all because of former New York mayor, businessman and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg. His daughter, Georgina Bloomberg, is continuing his legacy. But unlike her father, who’s more renowned in the world of entrepreneurship, politics and broadcasting, Georgina, despite having a net worth of $18 billion, chose to become a professional equestrian. And she’s a good one at that, as after her debut back in 2001, she began winning competitions since 2004, with her most recent ones last year at the Hampton Classic Horse Show and the American Gold Cup. She is, however, not completely unlike her dad, as she is also involved in philanthropy, especially in causes that promote animal rights.

6. Holly Branson

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You’ve probably seen posts of Richard Branson on Facebook. He’s the cool-looking billionaire who sports a long hair and a full moustache, owns Virgin Records and Virgin Airlines and has a few things to say about certain issues. He also has a daughter, Holly Branson. But unlike her dad, Holly Branson wanted to be a doctor first. She got her degree from University College London, and had her first job at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Eventually, however, she gave that up so she could work for her father’s $3.6 billion enterprise. Richard, while proud that Holly managed to make it to medical school, was definitely glad that she wanted to be a part of the family business, and that some day she’d be ready to run it like he has.

5. Perenna Kei

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At 24, young adults are usually in a rank-and-file position, or promoted to a position that is only one rank higher, a lot more stressful and only pays a few bucks higher. And sometimes, they’re in-between jobs, or worse, have yet to find work ever. Perenna Kei, on the other hand, was the youngest billionaire with a net worth of $1.3 billion in 2017. Just like Yang Huiyan, her company, Logan Property Holdings, is in the property development industry, which, like what’s been said before, is big in China right now. Other than owning 85% of one of China’s biggest property developers, she’s also an attractive lady with mesmerizing eyes and long, flowing locks. Beauty, brains, riches and youth all in one person—so not fair.

4. Josie Ho


The women on this list either followed in their parents’ footsteps, or went to another field but got their folks’ support nevertheless. Except for Josie Ho. The daughter of Stanley Ho, a casino mogul in Macau, beautiful and talented Josie Ho became a singer despite her affluent father’s objection, thanks to her eldest sister being supportive of her. Aside from her singing career, she’s also an actress who has appeared in many Hong Kong movies ever since 1994. In many of these films, she played the role of a poor lady of the night—a far cry from her lifestyle as a billionaire’s daughter. She’s also seen some success in Hollywood, as she’s been in movies like Open Grave and Contagion. With such a successful career, her father probably approves of her decision now.

3. Anna Anissimova


A former model, Anna Anissimova is also known as the “Russian-American Paris Hilton”. Now, regardless of what you think of the hotel giant heiress, especially her behavior, she’s definitely beautiful, glamorous and classy. And so is Anna Anissimova.
She’s got those deep blue eyes, as well as that long and flowing bright brunette hair, making her quite the sight to behold. No wonder she was once a model. But what’s more impressive about her is her talent for making good deals—something she took after her Russian mogul dad Vasily Anisimov. Back in 2005, she became famous for buying Diane von Furstenberg’s $23 million Manhattan HQ. Other than being an ex-model and businesswoman, she’s also appeared in some Hollywood movies, and is the titular lead in Elizabeth Blue.

2. Dylan Lauren


Life is sweet when you’re the daughter of one of the richest people the world. That is very much true for Dylan Lauren, daughter of American fashion designer Ralph Lauren. The youngest child and the only daughter, Dylan Lauren, whose current net worth is $50 million, got her Art History degree from Duke University in 1996. But she didn’t get into the arts. Or at least the fine arts, as she got into a different kind of art: candies. This is because her candy store, Dylan’s Candy Bar, is the “largest unique candy store in the world” according to her. Inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, she makes sure that every piece of candy she sells is a masterpiece.

1. Ivanka Trump


As the Bible says, the last would be the first, so we put First Daughter Ivanka Trump here for our finale. And she’s definitely not the least, as her net worth is somewhere in between $200 million and $700 million—nothing less from the beloved daughter of Donald Trump, business mogul, former TV personality and now President of the United States. Just like Donald Trump, Ivanka is also quite the entrepreneur, as she owns a line of fashion items and jewelry. And aside from taking after her billionaire father in the business department, Ivanka also did modeling gigs for Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, Marc Bouwer and Thierry Mugler. Lastly, she’s a philanthropist who donated to the National Urban League and the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

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