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Head Over Heels: 20 Best Pieces Of Advice For Men When It Comes To Getting Women

Head Over Heels: 20 Best Pieces Of Advice For Men When It Comes To Getting Women


Is there anyone who doesn’t want to fall in love? It is an almost universal desire. And men always have these questions in mind: How can I get the girl I really want? How can I make her fall in love with me? Some of them even think it is impossible. Nobody says there is a guaranteed way to make her fall madly in love with you, but there are some tips that could work as long as you don’t start with the idea that women are unapproachable, and all they are after is money. Absolutely wrong! None of that! They want more, much more than this. They want a man who can love, respect and understand them. They have always wanted this. Nothing has changed since the age of our grandparents. Women have always appreciated and desired romantic and funny men, in whose arms they can feel protected.

If in the past it was much more difficult to find the right person for you, today things have changed due to this new technology that has invaded our lives. You can easily find the woman you like on the other side of the world by means of the Internet and web cams. Regardless of the way you want to meet or to get a woman, there are some rules of thumb that can be easily applied and that have always worked. And remember, this is an endless topic people have been and will be debating, trying to find the “perfect recipe”.

20. Try, try, and try again


A “no” from her is not the end of the world. You might feel sad, but you will end up finding the right person for you. You don’t want to force a relationship between you and her. It is not always your fault if she does not return you feelings: there are some people who just aren’t compatible. You could try to improve yourself, your body language and your attire, to make sure that on the next date you put forth best version of yourself. A woman will definitely pick up on that. However, you have to first be sure of what you want; what type of woman you desire. If you don’t, how can you be sure you get the right one for you?

19. Be yourself


Although it sounds vague, being probably the most commonly used phrase nowadays, with millions of searches per month on the Internet, it is not as difficult as it might sound. You are who you are, with your weaknesses and strengths, and you should never try to hide them. They will be revealed sooner or later.

Follow your own style and don’t copy the others. Nobody is perfect, and you have to live with this. Try to highlight your good qualities and always do your best. You won’t pass unnoticed. We are all unique and can all make a valuable contribution to the world we live in. There will always be external influences trying to blur the lines between who you really are and who others would like you to be so stand up for yourself!

Keep in mind what Oscar Wilde once said: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

18. Take good care of yourself


In general, women are attracted to men who demonstrate that they are able to care for themselves. Make sure that you look and feel healthy. It will help you feel more confident, and confidence is attractive. Don’t forget that your physical appearance and presence represent the biggest and the strongest first impression. Even if you have a great, (maybe even the best) online profile, once you finally meet the girl in real life and you wear uncomplimentary clothes and accessories and give off a strong unpleasant odor, that will make a stronger impression than any online chat room. Therefore, take pride in the way you look and present yourself overall. A man that does not use antiperspirant or who wears clothes that stink is unsuccessful. If your look is unattractive and your clothes and accessories are odd or off-putting, that sends a signal that there may be something wrong with the person who wears them, or that the person simply doesn’t care enough to make the effort.

17. Don’t be desperate


You don’t want to make her feel like your happiness depended on her. Make sure you keep everything under control, because desperate men are often irrational, which makes them unattractive. There are a lot of good women in the world and having the confidence to put yourself out there to make contact with them is key. It is also true that if you haven’t been on a date for 2-3 months or longer, you’re in danger of becoming desperate. Never start from the idea that the right person for you does not live in your city, or somewhere near your location. The best piece of advice is to avoid overbearing behavior and to understand that there are plenty of fish in the sea.

16. Don’t waste your time, Do it now


If you really want to get a woman, strike while the iron is hot. It sounds cliché, but a true one – there is no time like the present to try and get the woman you want. Life is short and precious, therefore it is useless spending it with the wrong person by your side, or, even worse, spending it alone. There is nothing better than a woman that makes you shine, and discover the best part of yourself. Remember that we are not meant to move through life alone. Try to go out a lot, to grab any opportunity you get in order to meet as many women as possible. You never know what it may lead to.

15. Do things in life


Would you date a woman who just does nothing? Would you like to hang out with a couch-potato? So, why expect someone great to just fall into your lap if you don’t do anything in life? Do things other than the routine of going to work and back home. Do a sport, join a club, focus on your hobbies and interests; do whatever makes you feel happy where others who share your interests congregate. Extra-work activities might be time-consuming, but you can always impress a woman by playing the guitar, singing, or cooking or by simply learning a new skill. Women are active nowadays; more so than they used to be 50 years ago, so they are attracted by active men who can do plenty of things. Why not even try to learn a skill together, to strengthen your relationship?

14. Learn how to have better conversations


Conversation should be fun and it is supposed to be an opportunity to meet someone new. It is supposed to feel natural and flow, with the right things coming effortlessly. For some people conversation is not fun at all. Especially nowadays, when we spend a lot of time in front of our computers and mobile devices using short text-messages or even emoticons to communicate. To avoid all this, try to use “open-ended questions” which represent an invitation that allows your partner to talk at length, instead of being limited to a short answer like “yes” or “no.” In this way, your conversation will develop more easily, and it gives you an opportunity to show the girl that you are genuinely interested in her. Start by asking her about her interests, but avoid asking very personal questions pertaining to her family or her ex partners until you know each other very well.

13. Create a bond of trust between the 2 of you


At the beginning of every relationship, you need to create an environment of trust. Start by telling her one or two of your secrets and if she reveals you her secrets, keep them. Never gossip with your friends about what she has confided in you. She should feel like she can tell you anything. Make her feel important, compliment her and try to encourage her as much as possible. Be by her side when she needs your help, and if you feel that what she does is not exactly what you would expect her to do, be frank and tell her exactly what you feel and think. You look for someone you can trust, right? Then why not start by showing some trust towards her?

12. Be a (romantic) gentleman


Picking up a girl can be a terrifying experience for a lot of men. Women like romantic gestures such as getting a bouquet of flowers on a day that is not different than any other. Or, being invited to a restaurant just for the fun of having a nice dinner out together. Even better, something as simple as having the car door opened. They may seem like meaningless gestures to men, but women have always appreciated them enormously. Women don’t like men who find excuses, but they are crazy about those who apologize for being late or for being forced to cancel a date at the last moment. If you run out of ideas, watch old romantic movies. They are an endless source of inspiration. Don’t be afraid to look old-fashioned. Remember, vintage is trendy!

11. Be creative


Don’t try to buy her feelings. This is a common mistake many guys make. We live in a materialistic world and yes financial status is important; nobody can deny it. However you can’t make a woman love you simply by the gifts you buy to her. Try to prepare small surprises with no special reason, just for the fun of it. Remember that the more you know about her, the easier it will be to let your imagination run wild. Impress her with small gifts such as a box of chocolates, not because you want to make her jump in bed with you, but because you want to make her feel special on a regular Friday evening, for example. Women fall in love with men because of the way they make them feel.

10. Don’t give her all the control


Men usually get into trouble when they allow a woman to have too much of the control in a relationship. She will be the one to decide when you go out, with whom, what you wear and even when you make love. It is fine to meet her as often as possible and to talk to her over the phone. But from time to time, back off for a day or two and wait for her to call you and to ask you out on a date. By doing that, you force her to try to get your attention. And that will only make her fall harder for you!

9. Make her miss you


This is tricky but it also involves a lot of fun. Use different ways to make her miss you. For example, cut off the conversation over the phone exactly when it starts to get very interesting by reminding her that you have a set schedule and you can’t simply chat for hours whenever she wants. Or, limit the time you spend together. Absence make the heart grow fonder. If you spend all your time with a woman, she won’t have the chance to wish you were together.

8. Show her you like her while acting like you don’t


In other words, don’t tell her how you feel too fast. This attitude makes women crazy, making them wonder what is wrong with you or why you aren’t sure of what you really want. You are sure, but you also want to see what the woman you’re trying to get feels and thinks about you. Women also hesitate, especially those who have had unpleasant past experiences. You can’t simply jump into a relationship after the first date; you have to know each other better before starting something more serious. It could prove to be risky behavior, but you never gain anything if you don’t take risks.

7. Flirt a little


Both men and women are huge fans of flirting, but it is often said that women flirt much better than men. Is that right? To make sure you get her to notice you, make sure that you do a little flirting. Just don’t be too obvious or too creepy! If you want to take it slow, as you are uncertain about her feelings for you, start by flirting in a cute, friendly manner. Always mind your body language. Use your eyes, your smile and all your charm to impress her. For example, you might touch her on her arm now and then, or giggle when she cracks a joke. Smile a lot, but try to keep your smile as natural and relaxed as possible.

6. Eye contact


Although some women believe that eye contact takes away their power, in fact, nothing is more powerful than long and seductive gazes. Seduction always start with your eyes. Again, no creepy stares. If you want to make her be intrigued by you, use your eyes with confidence as often as possible. Women love it when they are turned on physically and mentally, when they don’t exactly know what’s on your mind. If the two of you look at each other at the right moment, you can push things forward.

5. Don’t always be available


It is fine to be by the side of a woman whenever she needs you, but it also decreases the attraction she has for you. The more she sees you, the more you hang out together, the less she feels the urge to see you. There are moments when women call you or ask you to come and see them just because they feel bored and can’t find anything else to do. You are neither her puppy nor her teddy-bear. Whenever you feel that she is using you at any point of time, back off and just tell her you are busy. Otherwise, you will end up by becoming her doormat and, don’t forget, most women won’t date a man who behaves like her slave for long.

4. Don’t be possessive


You may like her and therefore, hate all the other guys that look at her. Regardless of how much you love her, you will never own her. She will never become your toy or your puppet! So, never behave possessively and don’t act jealous every time you see her talking to another man. She needs some space and time only for herself just as much as you do. Learn to trust her and you won’t be stressed every time she goes out with friends. Otherwise, you will become an overly stressed out and creepy guy that will most likely end up by losing her.

3. Be a challenge


It is in the human nature to always want what we can’t have. If you show too much interest in a woman, she will lose her interest in you. In most cases the more she knows about you, the less of a spark will exist on both of your ends. Even if it sounds stupid, this is what really happens. Try to find a balance between the time you spend together and the topics you talk about and the time you focus on your own life and interests. But never show her that you can’t breathe without her by your side.

2. Learn what turns her on…


… And then use it to your advantage. Don’t ask direct questions about this topic, she will rarely answer back. On the contrary, she will accuse you of having no ideas about women, and their likes and dislikes. Try to find all these details from talks you can have over a drink, or while watching a romantic movie. Find out the kind of touch that excites her, or the way she loves to be kissed. Don’t be pushy! Respect her mind and her body. Women appreciate the fact that you care about them and that you don’t only have sex in mind every time you look at them.

1. Have sex or make love!


Try to figure out what exactly you want: love or sex! They are both important in a relationship and sometimes your future in a relationship depends on the way you have sex or make love. You should start from the idea that there is a huge difference between having sex and making love. Passionate love making involves a connection on a deeper level; getting closer to your partner, connecting emotionally, physically, mentally, even spiritually, while having sex is more about lust and just getting off. Whatever you chose, remember that the woman is not your sex toy!

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