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17 Awesome Job Opportunities In The eSports Industry (Infographic)

Career, Tech
17 Awesome Job Opportunities In The eSports Industry (Infographic)


Believe it or not, if you ever thought that eSports was only about gaming and gamers, you couldn’t be further from the truth. In essence, eSports is about gaming and gamers, but lately it has blossomed into a huge industry where the need for top talent has increased tenfold.

eSports tournaments are now spreading across the world as teams from different countries are participating in them. That’s not all. Games like Overwatch have a global fan following, which means whenever there is a tournament with big cash awards, millions turn up online while thousands show up as live spectators.

With such a massive fan following and tournaments that rival the biggest sporting events, it is imperative that people behind these events need to be the best. This is where a new job market has been established.

Are you good at social media marketing? Do you know how to plan and manage an event that is aimed at millions of participants? Or are you confident in your graphic designing skills? The eSports industry has something for everyone.

To help you get an overview about the eSports job market, the people at Computer Planet have created this amazing infographic that lists down some of the best jobs available right now.

17. Social Media Associate/Manager

16. eSports Reporter/Commentator

15. Event/Product Manager

14. Booth Planner/Visualizations Artist

13. Game Tester/QA Tester

12. Team Coach/Analyst

11. Research Moderator

10. Game Designer/Animator/Motion Graphics Artist

9. Motion Capture Cleanup Artist

8. Head Of Community

7. Game Translator/Localisation Coordinator

6. eSports Business Strategy Associate

5. Gear & Apparel Marketing Lead

4. Digital Media Talent Recruiter/Agent

3. Video Gaming Composer

2. International Tax Manager

1. Warehouse Manager


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