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Top 15 Most Violent Airline Situations Caught on Tape

Top 15 Most Violent Airline Situations Caught on Tape


The sky is becoming unfriendly. Most violent airline situations caught on tape send airline stock prices crashing down and tarnish brand reputations. And before you know it, people start shouting “boycott!” But is this enough? Any incident that you can think of is not just limited to the problems created by airlines or flight attendants. Sometimes we the passengers take things in our own hands and treat the employees like slaves.

What would you call a couple who poured hot water in the face of a female flight attendant? Or the one who secretly takes pictures of female crew members? From making racist comments to beating the staff and getting beaten by fellow passengers, here are 15 most violent airline situations which will make you think twice before booking your next flight!

Are we trying to convince ourselves that we have no other option left and all our problems, disagreements, and inconvenience can only be eradicated through violence?

You may find some of these incidents funny, while some of them may even make your blood boil. Have a look at the worst violent incidents from around the world caught on camera during flights. And after you finish reading, share your thoughts and let us know what message you’d like to give to the people involved in these insane incidents.

15. Spoiled son of CEO throws a tantrum on Korean Flight 480


An extremely violent passenger in Korean Air’s Flight 480 had an outburst on his way to South Korea. The man was on a business trip and had 2 and half glasses of alcohol after boarding the flight. The man was identified as Lim Bum Joon, the son of Lim Byung Sun. He is an ex-employee of Samsung who left his job to join his father’s company, Doo Jung Products, INC.

Drunk Bum Joon made a 56-year-old passenger the first victim of his violent actions. According to the protocol, the flight attendants tied the man up with ropes. They did not fire the taser considering the safety of other passengers and decided to tie him with ropes. While doing so, the man was spitting on the members and was making abusive statements as well.

14. American Airlines passenger attacks a flight attendant


People praised an American Airlines pilot when he took down a drunk passenger who attacked a flight attendant. The man, identified as Michael Kerr, took a flight to Charlotte in 2016. He was overly excited after accepting his boyfriend’s marriage proposal and finished three Jack Daniels on the flight.

Kerr refused the requests of pilot who was asked him to sit down on numerous occasions. The man then pushed a female flight attendant forward and threatened her. Later the pilot was forced to restrain him with the help of other passengers.

Police later arrived and handcuffed the man as he kept shouting and kicking. The video received hundreds of thousands of views on different social media platforms and majority of viewers praised the “hero” pilot for his action.

13. Women kick and punch each other over loud music


A wild brawl broke out on a flight that landed in Los Angeles. In the video women can be seen slapping and punching each other. The video, recorded by a group of friends, shows one woman going back into the action after being knocked down on the floor.

According to the passengers, two young women were playing loud music despite being asked by other passengers to turn down the volume. The two girls kept refusing and essentially provoked the other passengers. 

According to the police, it was a mutual combat situation. Spirit Airlines released their statement saying that the two passengers appeared to be intoxicated when fellow passengers asked them to lower the volume.

12. Drunk men lash out and throw punches on a Ryanair plane


A huge fight in air terrified Ryanair flight passengers and ultimately led the jet to land almost hundreds of kilometers away from its destination. The flight from Brussels to Malta was landed in Pisa, Italy instead during the chaos. Some passengers started fighting and an elderly woman got hit in head. The crowd even slapped a flight attendant.

Some passengers were forced to get involved because they were trying to help calm the violent incident. The video recorded at the moment shows flight attendants asking people to stop fighting and the pilot can be heard making several demands for calm. During the fight several passengers were terrified as they thought that the plane would go down because some people were reportedly tried to open the doors.

11. American Airlines attendant hits woman with stroller & challenges another passenger


An American Airlines employee hit a woman holding a baby and later he challenged a passenger to “hit him.” The video shows a woman crying in the airplane asking for the stroller back. A fellow passenger then asked the employee’s name and then suddenly a man wearing a uniform appeared warning the male passenger to stay out of the matter.

The male passenger approached the employee and in return he was challenged by the staff member who said, “Hit me.”

The woman was later escorted off the plane and the employee returned to the flight after some time. American Airlines later apologized to the passenger and fired the crew member.

10. Citibank VP and his girlfriend attacks fellow passengers


A Delta flight just after 20 minutes of take off had to be diverted when a couple started fighting with the crew members. The attackers identified as Blake Adam Fleisig and Anna Christine Koosmann and were arrested from the Flight 2565.

The fight began when Koosmann was asked to take her seat as she wanted to use the bathroom just shortly after take off. Delta said the couple became aggressive and started creating disruption in the cabin.

A video shows that the couple didn’t stop and were eventually arrested. Some passengers started cheering as the couple was taken off the flight. The cheering made Fleisig lose control and he attacked a passenger before finally exiting the plane.

9. Lady argues and attacks police officer


“Never tell a Latina that she’s crazy!” An unruly female passenger can be seen arguing with police on an American Airlines flight. The flight was delayed due to the disruptive passenger and when the police came to escort the lady off the plane, she pretended as if she was sleeping. After a couple of seconds, she started crying and misbehaved with one of the police officers.

After repetitive warnings, she started making racial comments and was also using abusive language towards the cops. Finally the lady was taken off the plane along with another passenger. The entire drama caused so much inconvenience to the other passengers and the flight had to be delayed too.

8. An agitated JetBlue passenger lashes out


Because of an angry passenger a JetBlue plane had to make an emergency landing in Detroit. The flight from New York to Las Vegas was headed west from Kennedy Airport when an old man became unruly. The man suddenly woke up and started flipping out.

He stood on his seat and jumped toward the aisle where a flight attendant was already standing. The man was reportedly angry with his family and his daughter can be heard shouting, “Dad! Stop it.”

Flight attendants were quick in handling the situation as the passenger was out of control and he was shouting and gesticulating furiously. Flight attendants restrained him with plastic ties and the man was dropped at the Detroit airport before being taken into custody.

7. Two Men Punch Each Other on a flight to London


Dramatic footage appeared showing two men punching each other on a flight from Beirut to London. A violent brawl broke out with one man punching the other on a Middle Eastern Airlines flight. The pilot had to make an emergency landing in Istanbul, Turkey.

While the plane was flying at 35,000ft in the air a young man suddenly and repeatedly started punching an older passenger. Passengers and staff gathered in the aisle and tried to intervene and break up the violent fight. Video taken on a mobile phone shows the two men forced leave in different directions as the crew members and passengers successfully stopped them from fighting.

6. Chinese men fight on a Thai Flight


Thai Airways International witnessed an incident which was also caught on video showing a mid-air fight among Chinese tourists. Passengers on the flight from Bangkok to Beijing witnessed a violent fight that started when a Chinese man refused the crew member’s request to keep his seat in an upright position.

The passenger refused the request and insisted he wanted to keep on sleeping. A couple sitting at the back started shaking his seat to force him to adjust it as it was meal time. Later the argument turned into a fight. Apart from punching each other, the fighters were even throwing objects at each other. The fight became too heated and the guy also needed to be treated by paramedics.

5. Police stops disruptive woman


A video footage surfaced showing a woman being pleaded to leave the plane. Later the police had to forcibly remove her from the plane. According to passengers, the woman’s behavior was weird from the moment she boarded. They were also disturbed by her weird statements. 

Crew members tried to calm her down by accommodating her, but the lady refused their requests and kept yelling at everyone. Suffice to say she didn’t want to leave the plane voluntarily. Soon after she refused the flight attendant’s request to leave the plane, the staff members called the police to handle the situation. When she was removed from the plane, the passengers felt relaxed and started clapping.

4. Savage Chinese passengers assault each other during Flight


A flight travelling from Beijing to Xi’an in China was already late and the staff announced another five hour delay. A female passenger was continuously complaining about the delay and when the other passengers tried to calm her down, their arguments turned into a fight.

Video captured by passengers shows a female passenger getting elbowed in her face. Later she picked up her bag and started hitting the man who assaulted her. In the front side of the plane, some other passengers can be seen fighting each other. Several passengers were led off the plane after the disruption. Some passengers alleged that crew members didn’t intervene despite the fact that fight was going on for over 30 minutes.

3. A couple throw hot water and noodles at a female flight attendant’s face


A Thai AirAsia flight was scheduled for a trip from Bangkok to Nanjing, China when a couple lashed out at flight attendants after the duo began to fight amongst themselves. The man threatened to blow up the plane, and his girlfriend threw hot water and noodles on a flight attendant’s face when asked to calm down.

The couple was later removed from the plane and the flight attendant was given first aid. Videos and photographs taken by passengers show that the female flight attendant was scalded with hot water.

During the mid-air drama, passengers took pictures and video as the entire scenario unfolded. A picture of the injured flight attendant covering her face can be seen.

2. The ‘Cash Me Outside’ girl’s temper tantrum gets her banned from flying


Danielle Bregoli and her mom were on a Spirit Airlines flight when the mother got into a fight with a female passenger. Danielle’s mother was trying to put her bag in the overhead and the argument over this issue led to a fight.

Danielle cornered the female passenger and punched her in face. The fight went on and the other lady started shouting at Bregoli and her mother. After all the drama created by the three, the police were called to escort the three ladies off the plane. It was also reported that Spirit Airlines put a lifetime ban on the three women.

1. United Airlines and Chicago Police violently drags a man from an overbooked flight


The disturbing and violent scene captured by United Airlines passengers went viral immediately. United Airlines called the police to kick out random passengers from the plane because the flight was overbooked.

The police dragged a man later identified as Dr. David Dao after he refused to be removed from the plane. He screamed and a security officer wrestled him to the ground. The officer then dragged Dao down the aisle, which led people to criticize the airline’s violent tactics.

In the process, the man reportedly lost two teeth, and had blood streaming down his face. Dr. Dao also suffered a concussion due to the violent act.


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