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‹ 15 Josh Duggar Secrets That Still Haven’t Been Exposed

13.  They don’t celebrate birthdays in February or June

Via: People

This is not an imposed family tradition, but rather a birth-induced phenomenon only present in the Duggar family. As it turns out, no child in the Duggar family has been born in the months of February or June. As a matter of fact, most birthdays are celebrated in December.

The reason for this is unknown at the moment, though critics claim that the Duggars are trying to adhere to the Jesus timeline. No matter how you view it, one thing for sure is that April is a very busy month for the Duggar couple. If you know your math pretty well, then you know what I mean.

12. All texts and chats by the children have to be done in a group

Via: Pinterest

Have you ever wondered how it would be like with your mom and dad being admins of a WhatsApp group you and your boyfriend are members of? If you were a Duggar offspring, you would know.

Jim and Michelle have a reputation amongst their children of snooping in every single conversation they have. This infringement of personal space is a serious deal especially when one of the children is dating. Apparently, the parents only allow their children to communicate with their significant other in an open group chat, and when there is any physical date, a chaperone must be hired to ensure “zero compromise on morality”. Things got pretty awkward one day when Ben Seewald jokingly texted Jessa, “Give me a ring.” He got a reply from Jim Bob saying, “No ring yet,” with a smiley emoticon.

11. Boys don’t play with their sisters

Via: Pinterest

In the Duggar family, interactions between opposite genders of the same blood are close to sacrilege. Now, I am not talking about the definitely gross and uncouth interactions, I am talking about normal brother-sister interactions.

In the Duggar family, boys cannot play hide and seek with their sisters. Their sisters are banned from sitting on their brothers’ lap and boys baby-sitting girls can lead to exorcism of the demons possessing them because they broke a rule. Worse still, their dorm-like bedrooms are usually locked, especially when they are asleep. The reason why all these strict measures have been put in place is to avert any form of temptation between the brothers and sisters. Sadly, based on what Josh did, I am not sure this rule is really effective.

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