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‹ 15 Drunk Moments Caught On Google Street View

13. A Pair of Peeing Buddies

Via: Google Street View

This random moment from October of 2009 was one the men pictured above would probably have just as soon not shared with millions of people worldwide. It seems these drinking buddies both decided to relieve themselves at the same time, stepping off the road into an alley where, presumably, they could share a urination session in private. As one of the two Romanian men noticed, their moment was less on the private side, and more on the soon to be World Wide Web fodder side.

12. A Post Bar Fight Snuggle

Via: Google Street View

Sometimes a picture really does say a thousand words. This image captured by a Google car in Belfast, Northern Ireland, shows the aftermath of what might have been quite an intense few minutes. Two men lie unconscious on the flagstones, one draped over the other, almost surely following a bout of fisticuffs. The police presence heightens the likelihood of that. And it’s a safe bet these battlers were plenty drunk, given the abundance of beer cans strewn about the scene. As for why there’s an office chair outside and what the shocked-looking guy at the back right is thinking, we’ll never know.

11. Class Act All the Way: The Shirtless Mooner

Via: Google Street View

This Google Street View snap shows a collection of presumed regulars hanging around outside a wine shop. We assume they’re regulars thanks to the presence of a folding chair, a blanket on the ground, and their casual disposition; it’s like the street corner is home. Which… it might be. The man front and center in the image spotted the Google car and immediately had the original and inspired idea to lower his pant, exposing the majority of his posterior. I think it’s safe to say his shirt had probably been removed long before for entirely unrelated reasons. Or without much reason at all.

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