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‹ 15 Secrets All Women Keep From Men

10. Being Gross

BigBang Theory Pennys Messy Apartment


Women love spending time making themselves extra pretty. You may even notice that their house looks spotless every time you visit. However, it’s not always the case.

Girls also have their moments of grossness. Like men, the ladies can also leave their dirty laundry scattered on the floor. Some girls also like sleeping in the whole day wearing the clothes from yesterday.

You might even catch the girls with unshaved legs and pits if you drop by her house unannounced!

This is probably the reason girls need to know when you’re coming for a visit; give them enough time to hide the dirty laundry, take a shower, shave unwanted hair, and put on make up.

9. You’ve Made Her Cry (A lot)



Every one knows that women can get too emotional. However, it doesn’t mean that your girlfriend is comfortable about letting you know that you’ve caused her to tear up.

Remember when you were getting into a heated argument and your girlfriend suddenly walked out of the room? She could have been on the verge of saying something really nasty and chose to avoid making a bigger scene. Or she could have had tears welling in her eyes and didn’t want you to see her crying.

Apparently, girls feel that their boyfriends will have some sort of power over them if the guy sees them bawling. This may or may not be the case. The important thing is that you apologize if you know you made a mistake that made your girlfriend cry. You get extra points if you do your best not to make the same mistakes again.

8. Splitting The Bill Dinner Date


Getting to know someone involves going out on dates. You can meet for coffee, watch the movies, or wine and dine in some fancy restaurant. No matter what and where you take your partner out on dates, one thing is for sure. Someone has to take care of the bill.

The question is, “Should you pay for everything?” To help you make a decision, we are sharing another secret that women keep from men. Apparently, it’s ok to split the tab. However, some ladies feel that the man they are dating are cheapskates if the former are expected to pay for her share.

We suggest that you treat the ladies on the first date if you want to impress her big time.

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