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‹ 15 Things She’s Into According To Her Birth Month

10. All things Marriage


At some point, all women wanted to get married. Then once they started to date, they may have changed their mind and decided that marriage is probably not the best thing for them. People born in May are all about marriage. Not the ceremonial aspect but just the sanctity of it on a whole. If you are married to someone who is born in May, she is very serious about marriage and is unlikely to be unfaithful to you. It could probably be because May is the month of mothers and she wants to do things the conventional way. Marriage is also important to women born in August. You should never propose to these women unless you are really serious. Because if the marriage does not work out, they are going to be devastated and probably scarred for life.

9. All Attention


Women just love attention. Some just more than others. They may even actively go out of their way to ensure that they get it and it does not matter whether the attention is negative, positive or both. Attention seekers are born in the months of March, April, May and December. If you have a woman born in these months and she loves attention, you should probably get her a trip to participate in Carnival somewhere. During the festivities, she can wear a revealing costume, take lots of pictures to post on her social media and she also has a lot to talk about in the future. Another activity you can involve her in is volunteering. As a volunteer for children, she gets a lot of attention. She is able to give back to society and she also meets her needs of wanting attention.

8. Serious Romance


If you have a girl who is seriously romantic or want a girl who is romantic, then you have to find her in the months of February, June, August or November. If you are going to be in a relationship with someone born in these months, then your romance game needs to be stepped up. She needs candlelight dinners, rose petals on the bed and she needs to be sent flowers frequently. Don’t worry about putting too much effort in, because she will reward you for your commitment and dedication to the romance. Just know that she is also going to do romantic things for you too. So if you’re not too big on romance, then avoid people who are born in these months as you would have to lay it on thick for them.

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