Zack Stevens
15 Odd Things Found Washed Up On Beaches
Zack Stevens
The beach can be a great place to take a family vacation. Most beaches serve as some sort of tourist attraction for the different activities available or simply for their beaches. …
15 Fictional Places You Thought Didn’t Exist (But They Actually Do)
Zack Stevens
Directors aren’t shy to use practical effects, especially when it comes to shooting on location. Shooting even the tiniest scene in a real place can add much more value to …
15 Mysterious Places Not Found On Google Earth
Zack Stevens
Google Earth is useful to get to know an area you’re traveling to or that you want to know more about. It usually uses satellite images taken from space, that …
15 Ways Earth Would Change If Humans Were Gone
Zack Stevens
While the idea of Earth ending is constantly worrying everyone, the idea of what would happen to the Earth if humans stopped existing doesn’t cross quite as many people’s minds. …
15 Historical Events With Odd Backstories
Zack Stevens
Conspiracy theories have been around for decades, and are ways for people to rationalize some unbelievable events. However, some of these theories are starting to make a lot of sense, …
15 Odd Pictures That Could Prove Time Travel Is Real
Zack Stevens
Time travel is something that Hollywood has popularized in the past few decades. So much so that many want it to actually exist, and will go to great lengths to …
15 Strange Things Mysteriously Found Frozen In Ice
Zack Stevens
Icy landscapes are known to have many secrets hidden below them. With the ever increasing temperatures of the world through global warming some of these discoveries are finally being found. …
15 Of The Strangest Things Found In People’s Backyards
Zack Stevens
Nobody would think they’re property holds anything but it’s house above it, but when you explore underneath, that’s where things become mysterious. Many people are unaware that they’re house is …
15 People Who Were Mysteriously Found Frozen In Time
Zack Stevens
Many people have traditions of burying their dead in caskets or cremating them. However, many cultures, especially back in the day, took it a step further to preserve their fallen. …
15 Unbelievable Superhumans Caught On Tape
Zack Stevens
Superhumans are things that humans created as a form of entertainment through comic books, films, action figures and video games. The superhuman is a human who has abilities that a …
15 Strange Things Only Found In Japan
Zack Stevens
There are so many different cultures in the world and most of them differ from each other. We can often look at other cultures and think of something that is normal to …
15 Scary Things Caught On GoPro Cameras
Zack Stevens
Scary things are caught on video every single day. However often times these things could’ve been captured in better quality, and at a better angle. Cameras are typically heavy and …
15 Unsolved Mysteries People Still Don’t Understand
Zack Stevens
The world has many mysteries plaguing it. Many are able to be solved, but there are a majority that have never been solved, and probably never will. These mysteries can …
15 Of The Scariest Giant Creatures Caught On Tape
Zack Stevens
There is so much mystery to this world, due in part to how much humans have yet to discover. However, every day someone captures something new, whether through a camera …
15 Of The Creepiest Deep Sea Creatures
Zack Stevens
The ocean is a world of mystery. This stays true and becomes even truer the deeper you go. There is a large portion of the ocean humans have yet to …
15 Of The Most Controversial Casting Decisions In Film
Zack Stevens
Casting roles in film can be a hard task. It typically takes a whole separate team to choose the person for the perfect part. Casting choices, for the most part, …
15 Things Every Couple Should Do At Least Once
Zack Stevens
Your significant other is an important person in your life. It may take a while to find that special someone, but when you do you know, you’ll want to do just …
15 Places He Can Meet His Dream Woman
Zack Stevens
Relationships can be a tricky thing to try to find. Especially if you don’t know where to start looking. No one really knows when you’ll run into that special someone, so …
15 Mysterious Things Found By Youtubers
Zack Stevens
Youtube is a platform where anyone can upload anything, within the set guidelines of course. People upload content from entertainment videos, education videos, and even scary videos. There is so …
15 Things Almost All Women Do After A Breakup
Zack Stevens
Relationships can be a great thing. There are many ups and downs, but at the end of the day relationships make us feel great. The ability to share your life …